PM Ingraham burst into rage as clinic ceremony was underway


PM Hubert Ingraham

Inagua, Bahamas — Reports coming out of Inagua this afternoon disclosed that the official opening of the long-overdue clinic (which was 95% completed in May 2007) erupted in a shouting before residents and the press.

The people of Inagua give MP V Alfred Gray a thunderous round of applause when he got up to address the gathering. During Gray’s address, Hubert Ingraham jumped to his feet yelling to the top of his voice that Gray was not telling the truth. Rather than quietly sitting down to avoid further embarrassment the Prime Minister proceeded to place restrictions on what the island’s MP should say.

Clearly, the PM was very angry and troubled.

Our Inagua correspondence noted wife Delores Ingraham had to pull the PM aside as he appeared to have lost his cool. She then returned the nation’s leader to his seat as if he was an aged in a hospice.

The people of Inagua were shocked as they were fully aware that their champion MP Gray was telling the truth.

V. Alfred Gray

his unbecoming actions of the PM clearly confirms that Papa and his minions are in a catastrophic frenzy as they now realize that their days in office are numbered. Our Inagua correspondence said that a very small crowd turned up at the Inagua Airport to welcome the Prime Minister and his Party.

Just a day earlier, after landing in San Salvador for a rally there, the supporters of Hubert Ingraham were outdone as scores of supporters backing that family island MP, Philip Brave Davis heald a massive event nearby. A few of the FNM supporters took off their red shirts right in front of the PM and fled to the huge Davis party. As the crowd of PLPs swelled, Hubert Ingraham again erupted into an angry rage and is alleged to have called some of the residents an ill name.

Time is not on the side of the FNM! Time is winding up. The clock is ticking and Bahamians from Grand Bahama in the north to Inagua in the south are yelling to the top of their voices, “RING DA BELL!”

We report Yinner decide!