IT WAS A SWEETHEART DEAL that raided the Treasury for one Cabinet Minister…


Zhivargo Laing is at it again. HOW DID HE END UP MAKING $99,000 more than his Cabinet Colleagues?

Zhivargo LYING LAING, why ya LIE SO!!! The Treasurer of the Bahamas paid him a housing allowance of $36,000!

Nassau, Bahamas — There is breaking, indeed damnable information coming out of the OPM tonight, which confirms Zhivargo Lying Laing told a BIG FAT LIE to the press this morning.

On the front page of the Nassau Guardian this morning the former Minister of State told the newspaper that his additional pay of $6,000 in salary above his colleagues was as a result of him being a Family Island MP and that the additional amount was for housing allowance while here in Nassau.

Laing told the newspaper, “From time immemorial if you are a minister who is domiciled in the Family Island, not New Providence, you get a housing allowance to assist with your living expenses in New Providence, because you now have to spend lots of time in New Providence attending to ministry affairs. So what happened was similar to Maurice Moore and C. A. Smith, those in that first Ingraham administration, in that Neko Grant, Larry Cartwright, Kenneth Russell and myself, all of whom were domiciled in the Family Islands, received a housing allowance, so it wasn’t anything special for Zhivargo Sean Laing,” the former minister said.

Well, Bahamas Press began digging and what we have uncovered opens a whole new can of worms.

We have in fact put the question to Dr. Minnis, the leader of the FNM, to bring transparency to the matter as we know Laing has lied again.

Dr. Hubert Minnis must tell the public how did his former government end up paying one MP more than the others...

OPM sources can confirm that Laing, along with Neko Grant and Kenneth Russell, all ministers from Grand Bahama, were all indeed paid with an extended allowance of Three Thousand $[3,000] per month for housing expenses while residing here on New Providence as Ministers.

Our source confirms that this amount of $3,000 per month, however was indeed additional money, paid to a minister not residing in New Providence and representing the Family Island.

And therefore this brings us back to our point: why was Laing paid an additional $6,000 pa out of the public purse added to his salary of as a Minister of State [$66,000 + $28,000 +$5,000 = $99,000]? And at the same time the treasurer of the Bahamas paid him a housing allowance of $36,000! {this had nothing to do with his salary!}

We call on the new leader of the FNM to explain how did this happen?

We also call on the Treasurer of the Bahamas to tell us how was the additional amount paid to Laing without any question being put to the Prime Minister at the time?

We also ask the media of the Bahamas to rake him over the coals and tell him come clean! Bring him before the court of public opinion and shame him for LYING TO YINNER!

We report yinner decide!