PLP MP suffering with ‘Abandonitis’ responds to BP in Parliament


Danny Johnson is a complete and absolute FAILURE in Carmichael

Minister suffering from 'ABANDONITIS' has lost support in Carmichael. Danny Johnson is a ONE-TERM MP and he could write it down!

Nassau, Bahamas — Shaken and soon gone Minister for Youth, Sports and Culture decided to respond to Bahamas Press via his platform in Parliament.

It was obvious our commentary had hit a nerve of the “do nothing” PLP MP, who since coming to office cannot deliver one damn thing for the people of Carmichael.

Danny Johnson, we wrote, is suffering from “ABANDONITIS” and has, in short, abandoned the people of that community.

In response, he decided to say, “Dog don’t bark at Park Cars,” as if to suggest that BP and the people of Carmichael are dogs.

Well, we ga say it again, the PLP must make swift, immediate and quick course corrections when it examines its new generation team, and more pointedly, evaluates its MP Danny Johnson.

Johnson is a failure to the people of Carmichael one year later and, if Christie keeps such failed leadership in the seat of power, it will be like the entire apple gone rotten.

Example – Johnson told the people of the Bahamas, as he responded to Bahamas Press, that he held a job fair in Carmichael, and added that some 1,000 plus Bahamians in the community showed up.

Guess what Johnson said? Some 15 persons attending the event found a job. In short 1.5 percent found work.

Our question to Johnson is simple: What has he or his team done with the list of unemployed persons gathered? Did he throw their names in the garbage after the event or did he feed it to the stray dogs?

Listen to the rest of what Johnson said in Parliament in response to Bahamas Press: He said he had the pleasure to sit with Arthur Hanna and listened to him talk to the students at Gerald Cash. Hmmmmm!

He then went on to say how the son of an artist has started a Rake N Scrape band in the school – as if that is some great accomplishment credited to him.

Then he said on May 4th he will have an event for Carmichael – we will wait to see if that really happens.

Johnson, members of the public should know needs to stop travelling to sporting events in Florida on weekends – trips sponsored by people who seek to do business with the Sports Authority of the Bahamas!

In the meantime he should try answer the emails left unanswered by his sitting Chairman of the branch in Carmichael and see the people who elected him.

Additionally, we take great offense to a minister who continues to carry-on like a ‘jungaliss’ at senior staff meeting swearing to the top of his voice! It is UNPROFESSIONAL AND WE GAT THE TAPE!

And since Johnson has words for us, here’s an old Bahamian proverb for him: “The Sun don’t shin in one dog a** all the time!”

Ya GONE! And if you don’t believe us just go have lunch with Carl or Tommy and let them tell you how effective BP is.

Danny Johnson is by far on the road to failure – and no dog, cat or rat wishes to follow him and or bark at him as he speeds off in that direction.

We report yinner decide!