Concern as to whether the PLP is evolving into an UNDEMOCRATIC organization – Votes padded at NPI Elections…


Christie’s Bridge to the future is being destroyed by New Generation CREW and contaminated by a ‘dingy’ political breed!

PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts watching the PLP collapse into ruins as trobles hit branches and association branches descend into UNDEMOCRATIC behavious! - WHAT IN THE HELL IS DIS!

NPI Collapsed from 100 members to less than 10 – Youth Arm Dying inside the PLP!

Nassau, Bahamas The NPI (National Progressive Institute) Saga continues as the Hubert Ingraham successor, AND A NEWLY APPOINTED OFFICER OF THE GOVERNMENT, padded the Voters List with FNM supporters, family, and strange bedfellows to hold onto power. The move was UNDEMOCRATIC, ‘VICKED’ and could paint the PLP as evolving into an organization lost with its founding principals – BELIEVING IN THE ONE MAN ONE VOTE POLICY!

Lynden Pindling, Milo Butler, Clement Maynard and Paul Adderley must rolling over in their graves to see the uncouth behaviours now erupting deep inside the ruling Progressive Liberal Party. The Party turns 60 this year November, but from the looks of things, the future could not be so bright, if what we see unfolding continues.

Bahamas Press calls on soon outgoing chairman of the oldest political party, Bradley ROBERTS, to save the PLP before it is charred into ruins; and torched by young Bahamians who will find the organization wanting.

It is no secret that the newly dressed up PLP and former NDP member is unpopular and over the course of his first term in a party arm, watched NPI membership sink from well over 100 to less than 10 forcing him to hold unsanctioned executive meetings at a frequented SISSY/Poofter Bar on West Bay Street.

What in the hell is this!

The NPI Executive – PLPs should know – is the disgraced former employee at GWS where he was fired for misappropriation of funds and ultimately charged before the courts in October of 2011 for Fraud. And from the information shown to us we have just begun!

The corrupt executive’s dictatorial behavior began with the popular Crossfire Forum where he forced many who disagreed with him to leave the page and form another group, out of disgust for his spiteful vindictive behavior. Those who defended him, now live in regret as the monster they bread is now running lose without a damn leash.

Senior members of the new government appointed the FRAUD to a top post in a government agency where on day one the arrogant and disturbed officer came into the office telling staff that they report to no one else but him!

What in the hell is dis!

In another incident, a young male worker at the agency had to constantly watch his back in the same government department as flamboyant Information Officer is always propositioning the young man for dinner and inviting him over to his house. We have learned that the political appointee attempted to have the young man fired after he rejected the advances by the politico.


It is known that within NPI the appointee only cares about advancing his failed political career and is secretly conspiring with the DNA to jump ship should the PLP’s rudderless boat continues to flounder. YOU HEARD IT FIRST HERE AT BP!!!!!!

The appointee’s close confidant is another closet fairy godmother at another agency, who is known for his tight suits.

This girly man has anger management issues and has a restraining order placed on him by his baby mother whom he viciously beat up a few years back. He was fired from the Bahamas Plays and Films Control Board due to unruly conduct and has disgraced the PLP many times by threatening the owner of More FM as he demanded sponsorship money for the failed gaming referendum.

One of the persons at a popular number house also informed BP that this girly man made threats at her as well, by stating he will turn the Christian Council against them if they don’t’ support his NPI Debate at S.C. McPherson.

It is alleged that the appointee and his girly muscle are regulars at the West Bay SISSY/POOFTER bar where late after hour political meetings are now being held.

With the padded votes the girly muscle also won a position to flank the dubiously re-elected Executive. in order to protect him.

We dare the appointee and his ‘Girly’ man to refute what is being presented here, as BP has all the records and photos.


We report yinner decide!


  1. Thoughtful Commentary We said it up above in our Comment of The Week: they used to say the PLP was anti white. anti young people and had too many lawyers. Now with Andre Rollins, who made the point in his address, to say that his mother was a conchy joe from Long island, and with Clay Sweeting who is white and from Spanish Wells; with Dr. Rollins a dentist and 35 and with Mr. Sweeting a fishermen and 25: what do they say now? Perhaps just perhaps we may be reaching the point in the PLP where one of the aims of the original founder of the party can be realized which was to deal with the issue of class discrimination. The poverty has increased under Hubert Ingraham; the middle class is destroyed. The battle now is joined for the soul of the middle class and their struggle for survival– to stop the indignity under Hubert Ingraham of living in a $250,000 home but can’t afford to keep the power on, living in darkness for six months or more. The battle is joined to protect the fishing grounds from encroachment by the foreign fishermen and to protect the livlihood of Spanish Wells. The battle is joined to help the business people of Grand Bahama from the clutches of the tax police in Freeport. This is about interests, ideology and philosphy and gettting the job done. What does the FNM and their hateful wasteful leader have to say now?

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