The man in love with St. Cecilia is speaking out on the conditions of GB


paul-d-moss<<<Paul Moss.

Freeport, Grand Bahama — “As I toured the island of Grand Bahama (GB) and the city of Freeport in particular, I am bewildered to say that GB is a dying town with many parts already dead” said Paul Moss as he finished touring GB yesterday to hear the concerns of residents.

“Many people have not only left for Abaco and New Providence and what is more, many people are depressed over the loss of jobs, homes, children and that there are no prospects of employment or even hope on the horizon

“The Grand Bahama Port Authority (GBPA) in many ways is responsible for the state of affairs in all of GB. It has been a corruptor of politicians who now are on mute control seemingly in agreement with the state of affairs here.

“I propose that immediately the government proposes a stimulus package for GB that would include the re-opening of the royal Oasis and the sprucing up on GB generally.

“I think it is also time for us to re-think the GBPA. We need to have it to live up to its commitment which it has failed to do so in my opinion.

“The state of the economy here is forcing families to split up looking for employment in other island where no employment exists. For a country of so few people, I simply cannot understand why we are unable to get it right

“I wish to say to all Grand Bahamians, that the failure of the leaders to assist or even attempt to assist must not go unpunished and that you must demand better from the GBPA and the government of the Bahamas even if it means doing what is necessary to get their attention through civil disobedience. People are dying and the leaders are playing” Moss said in conclusion.


  1. @ Ronica7, Tristan
    Tristan you used Obama as an example to prove your point, but he is not a good example. He was a community organizer in Chicago then served as state senator and then US senator. So he was involved in the local community and in local and national politics in the US for over 15yrs. What has Paul Moss done the last 10 yrs locally?

    Obama was already a well known quantity BEFORE he ran for president. John Kerry put Obama on the map ntionally when he invited him to speak at the 2004 Democrtic Convention. The speech he gave put him on everyone’s radar in the party. When he came to the senate in 2004 the then senator Hillary Clinton wanted assurances from him that he wouldnt run in 2008.

    When Obama ran for president he didnt just show up. It was 2 yrs of traveling all over the US and participating in national debates with those in the Democratic primary and then with McCain in the general. By the time the US elections came around, everyone knew Obama’s positions which wasnt different from the 2008 Democratic Party National Platform!
    No one really knows where Paul Moss stands on the issues this country face!

    So contrary to what you may believe, Obama did toe the party line at every level (state senator & US senator) and the party choose him as their standard bearer in 2008.

    So like Obama, Paul Moss needs to eat the apple one bite at a time rather than trying to swallow it whole. Leave Mother Pratt alone, because that is a battle he will loose. If he doesnt, he risk damaging himself by burning some bridges politically and that is unnecessary at this stage in his young political career.

    You mentioned Jerome Fritzjeald and Brnville McCartney! Those fellas were weaned from the tit of their respective parties and was active on many levels in their respective party before getting elevated by the party to serve in parliament and the senate. Paul Moss doesnt have the political pedigree that Fritzgerald and McCartyney has thats why i have said he needs to simply offer his services to the party and work where ever the party needs him and do a good job. who knows where he may end up.

    For him to think so highly of himself to the point that the FNM or PLP establishment will just let him walk in there and offer him a safe seat over others who have sweated and toiled for that same nomination tells me he better wake up and recognize.

  2. I am pleased with the positive comments on this article. In the comments, there are notes on issues not only the PLP has but something that has become a social problem. If we look at Obama of whom did not tow any line, we must not adopt old politics and continue them because they were created taditions. Those taditions are not good for The Bahamas. The Bahamas has been blessed with the actions by Paul Moss, Jerome Fritzgerald, Branville McCartney etc. I think if you have something to offer and willing to take the Command then go for it. Leadership of a Party is not handed to you. You must work to gain it. Good luck to all and hope Change will come!!!

  3. Paul Moss can and should stay right in St. Cecelia. Wherever he is placed, or desires to run he wil face opposition. Any newcomer to either side of the political divide is met with the “u jes reach look”. That happens in our politics, in our churches, and on our jobs. It is the bahamian way, so i say to Paul Moss stay where you are!

  4. Mother Pratt did say that she was going to retire. This politics thing is the problem with our country today. Mother Pratt has served St Cecelia well. Now, why not allow a young and vibrant man the opportunity to advance his ideas. This incessant desire to continue “old party” politics is what attracts the younger people to the FNM whether or not their agenda prescribes to their needs. We have to realize when it is time to let go. Paul Moss’ way of going about seeking to represent a constituency may not be right, so why not groom him. We need some of these older individuals to let go and just serve as advisors. Our nation WILL NOT and CANNOT advance with the same people regurgitating ideas or seeking to continue ideas that have stalled us as a nation. Certain constituencies are known to give response to certain individuals. In my mind though, this allows the politician to become lackadaisical. We have to pass the torch to allow growth sometimes. I like Paul Moss. Maybe St Cecilia isn’t where he should be, but I think he would be a great addition anywhere he is placed.

  5. @JR, David
    Paulette Zonicle has been behind the scenes working for the PLP for years before she was appointed to the senate! She has labored and put her blood, sweat, tears and money into the PLP. Paul Moss is basically a new comer and hasnt contributed much if anything to the building of the party he is now demanding to set him in St Cecilia.

    I have no problems with him wanting to get involved in party politics, but you have to hit the trenches and put in some blood and sweat on the ground for the party and prove that your a team player. By paying your dues and working in the trenches, thats how you get attention, make contcts and build your own alliances. Paul Moss has no contacts and no aliances in the PLP. Thats why i have said the man is going about his business the wrong way. And look who he gunning for, Mother Pratt of all people, one of the most revered people in the country! He will get embarrassed if he ran against her.

    He should have told the chairwoman of the PLP that he is willing to work wherever the party think he is needed rather than demand he gets the nomination in St Cecilia.

    You only want to win your constituency, any constituency. St Cecilia is no different than any of the other 40 constituencies. Now that he know Mother Pratt isnt stepping down, he needs to swallow his pride, humble himself and simply offer his service to the party with no strings attached.

    To Paul Moss i say, why cause division in the same party you want to lead someday? There are many vulnerable incumbent FNM’s. Get the party’s permission and go campaign in one of those constituencies.

  6. well said JR. Well said. what do they think? you must kiss up or bend over to get a nomination. Paul should join us in the FNM,,,we could use him. PLPs are always afraid of honesty and they like corruption. so since Paul apperas to be clean, they do not want him

  7. If Paul is denied his chance at running for St. Cecilia under the PLP banner in a fair fight, then I can understand but there seems to be a concerted effort to block this guy from getting the nomination. If Paulette wants it so bad, maybe she should do what Paul has been doing the last couple of years and go out and work for it. Riding on Mother’s coattails is not the way to go and if the PLP denies Paul the Nomination, then he has a right to run independent and will probably win.

    The message the PLP and supporters like Zenobia are sending is that if you don’t march to the beat of a certain drum, you’re not a “real PLP.” Well, maybe its time for the new PLPs to take over and bring this party into the real world.


  9. Zenobia :If Paul Moss runs as an independent candidate because he does not get the PLP support for St. Cecilia, then he was NEVER A PLP. hOW IN THE WORLD CAN HE EXPECT TO RUN IN AN AREA WHERE THERE IS A SITTING MP?
    Selfish, Selfish. Tow the line Paul. How many other persons are in line for a nomination? You just reach. Wait your turn. If you run against the PLP then so be it . You were never PLP in that case. It is the young people like yourself that is making it seem that the party is in chaos. You will get your turn. Listen to the advice of the earlier blog. Work in one of those new constituency where one of those young turks represent. Earn a seat and dont expect one to just drop in your lap. You could very well be rejected in St. Cecilia was being so corky. Remember, Cynthia Moxey Pratt lived in that area and in the surrounding area like Englerston (Wilson Tract) for most of her life and she had to fight for her seat. She supported others in that area and in other areas before she was given the opportunity to run. Sit at her feet and LEARN.

    “tow the line”
    “you will get your turn”

    THis is the reason why we have an “eligible retireee” as prime minister. This is not the time to be towing a line, we need people in this country NOW that has the vision to not only propell this country, but make it work for Bahamians. Is Mr.Moss one of those people, maybe, maybe not but I doubt I am going to force myself to vote for two “eternal incumbents” just becasue the will of the existing political parties to make young, energized people two a line behind tired bodies with nothing more to offer other than the status quo. I want fresh uncorrupted faces.

  10. If Paul Moss runs as an independent candidate because he does not get the PLP support for St. Cecilia, then he was NEVER A PLP. hOW IN THE WORLD CAN HE EXPECT TO RUN IN AN AREA WHERE THERE IS A SITTING MP?

    Selfish, Selfish. Tow the line Paul. How many other persons are in line for a nomination? You just reach. Wait your turn. If you run against the PLP then so be it . You were never PLP in that case. It is the young people like yourself that is making it seem that the party is in chaos. You will get your turn. Listen to the advice of the earlier blog. Work in one of those new constituency where one of those young turks represent. Earn a seat and dont expect one to just drop in your lap. You could very well be rejected in St. Cecilia was being so corky. Remember, Cynthia Moxey Pratt lived in that area and in the surrounding area like Englerston (Wilson Tract) for most of her life and she had to fight for her seat. She supported others in that area and in other areas before she was given the opportunity to run. Sit at her feet and LEARN.

  11. @FPO Resident
    We all know what happens to people who attack the GBPA, they win then they turn the other cheek and forget their platform becoming corrupt like the others by giving in to the mega billion dollar cartel. They got the money to buy who or whatever they want and the power to silence those who dare come up against them. It is their city, they collect all the taxes and are wholly to blame for the economic decline of freeport. Unfortunately the present management lacks the vision and passion of the original founders of the organization. Hopefully Mr. Rolle will give the ordinary citizen a chance to bring some life into the dead Grand Bahama economy.

  12. Mr. Ross makes some good points and mostly accurate observations.

    The issues are complicated. The solution is simple. Eliminate the various and many obstructions to both personal freedom and outside investment.

    The business and investment community will not tolerate the protectionist and meddling nature of both the GBPA and the Bahamas Government. The Bahamas is not now, nor has it been for many, many years competitive with the rest of the world. It has its government to blame. Completely.

    Potential investors suffer immediately from licensing and permit processes that takes months or years and further suffer from government meddling and capricious involvement with their businesses (work permits – God help us – as if an investor or business should have to ask permission whom they hire or should use for a specific function)

    And many, many others could easily be listed here.

    Businessmen and investors are simply NOT going to tolerate this. At all. They quietly move to another destination for their business and life. You never see them. You can only measure their decision by the gradual darkening of storefronts.

    Simply put, all the ‘politics’ and ‘issues’ are entirely a waste of time to discuss. They do not have a ‘solution’. They all derive from simple and easy to understand sources of obstruction to investment and business growth.

    Eliminate these obstructions and Freeport will see a rebirth that will rival Hong Kong.

    It’s very unlikely this will happen soon, if ever. Families who value the future of their children are betting their kids’ lives on fools, bureaucrats, and the GBPA cartel.

    Seeing this truth, a lot of smart money has already gone elsewhere. It is only a matter of time before the remainder preserve what they have by leaving.

    The future of Freeport is very, very bleak.

    PEACEFUL civil disobedience is likely the only certain path to positive change. Sit down. Refuse to say yes. No longer give your consent to be governed. Refuse to allow the GBPA or the Bahamamian Government to determine your future. Say no, refuse, until they leave. Think of Ghandi.

    The Government and the GBPA are experts at ‘talking’ and telling you exactly what you need to hear. You are being lied to. They have no reason to change anything. They collect their fees and steal their taxes from the sweat of your back. Things are perfect for them.

    Allowing either to control your future is a mistake. Look where that has gotten the great citizens of GB.

    It is faith in a con. Faith in lies. Faith in false prophets.

    Your actions are the only true thing. Only this will save you and GB.

  13. I thought this was a democratic society where we can exercise our democratic rights! If Mr.Moss wants to challenge Mrs.Pratt to represent St.Cecilia that is his choice and at the same token,the people of that constituency will choose their choice of the 2.
    I agree with tristan,that he should take a consensus of where he is needed,wheteher it be somewhere else other than St.Cecilia,but,due to our democratic society,that is Mr.Moss’s call.If Mr.Moss is challenging Mr.Christie for the leadership of the party, then I can assure that he will make the right decisions as a leader should do.

    Tristan u say The PLP is bigger than him. Not one man is bigger than the Party,then we have to ask ourselves many questions about the parties of this country aye?

  14. altec, you are right. I think we need to fear from Mother Pratt to see if her position still stands. As far as he is aware, that was her word. I think He can Challenge Perry and thats a good thing but He should be able to go where ever his Party need him to go. The PLP is bigger than him. Not one man is bigger than the Party. If he goes against her, she will get the sympathy vote and will Indeed win. We need his ideas so he should be very helpful whether he run in St. Cecilia or Marco City. This party or no party that I know of belongs to him.

  15. @T Rolle

    For the record i admire Paul Moss’ grit, but the way he is going about his political business isnt right.

    Everyone knows that Mother Pratt was retiring to deal with her ailing husband and her little health issue. She has her health back and her husband has since gone on to his reward, thus she can continue serving in parliment. I dont theink the people of St Cecilia will hold that against her.

    Its wrong for him to issue he lil ultimatum to the PLP. This man just showed up on the political scene a few years ago and want to pick where he running? Mother Pratt is an icon in this country and people in the PLP and FNM love that woman. This is not the person you want to pick a political fight with. Like i said earlier, go fight with one a them newbie FNM MP’s.

    T Rolle if you think Paul Moss will split the votes against Mother Pratt then i have some land on Mars i want to sell you. Ask CB Moss what he get when he ran against Bernard Nottage in 2007.

    Paul Moss, i know you does read this blog, you are new to this political game and if none of your advisers will tell you, i will: Your barking up the wrong tree in St Cecilia my brotha. You will not win this fight.

  16. I agree Canesfins. we must stop these politicians from talking fool. Mother Pratt should have been gone long ago so should have perry and Hubert. they messin this country up. Go Paul we are pulling for you and i heard any way that he is running for the leaderhip of the PLp. the only one with balls to challenge a dead perry. all of his members in the house and senate says he should go but they scared to tell him. Fitzgerald told him but then tried to take back his comments

  17. Altec :BP ya think someone in the PLP done whisper in his ears and tell him dog will born cat before he gets the nod for St Cecilia?
    If i was Paul Moss, i would go campaign in the constituency of one of the young vulnerable FNM MP’s like Charles Mynard (Golden Isles), Phenyton Neymour (Sotuh Beach), Brensil Rolle (Garden Hills) or Kendell Wright (Clifton) instead of focusing on a seat currently being held by a PLP. Maybe he doesnt know that the quickest way to power is to win as many seats of the opposing party as you can.
    Someone is giving him bad advice.

    He is there because Mother Pratt announced she was retiring from politics. Now she might not retire. He invested in St. Cecilia, he grew up there. He willrun independent if he does not get the PLP nomination I believe, and that might spell trouble for the PLP in the seat as the vote will be split.

  18. Freeport has never recovered from those hurricanes a few years ago!

    GB has one of the best ports in the world in HW, but the government isnt taking advantage of it. Just like how the government offers incentives in tourism, they can do the same thing to manufacturing companies and direct them to GB. The port and space in GB is already there.

    Mexico and Brazil has figured out how to attract foreign manufactures from the US for years now, its about time we copy them and get a piece of that manufacturing pie. THe Bahamian workforce is way better educated and skilled than those folks in Brazil and Mexico. Why is it that we are not learning form other countries around us?

    There are so many things that can be done that when you look around and see nothing being done you get depressed.

  19. Freeport is a disgrace. They are not checking for it and the port just getting richer. HAI should just go mash up the port and fire all f his MPs there.

  20. What is happening in GB is a disgrace.Two Cabinet Min uisters around the table a Deputy Speaker,a lost female representative from EMR spells chaos.We in Nassau know how lost Neko Grant is as all of our traffic lights are off all the time.They have tried to do nothing for GB and if we are to foolishly believe all the garbage being spewed by HAI then these blind mice can do whatever they wish.What a joke as we all know HAI is the maximu8m Leader who causes his Ministers to wet their pants when he screams.Poor people in Nassau now know why they can get nothing from this crew.GB supposed to be FNM country well muddo and look at the bad treatment they getting.Its a hopeless situation as these Ministers are only able to attack,and attack.No solutions just empty promises.

  21. BP ya think someone in the PLP done whisper in his ears and tell him dog will born cat before he gets the nod for St Cecilia?

    If i was Paul Moss, i would go campaign in the constituency of one of the young vulnerable FNM MP’s like Charles Mynard (Golden Isles), Phenyton Neymour (Sotuh Beach), Brensil Rolle (Garden Hills) or Kendell Wright (Clifton) instead of focusing on a seat currently being held by a PLP. Maybe he doesnt know that the quickest way to power is to win as many seats of the opposing party as you can.

    Someone is giving him bad advice.

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