Attorney General Demands an Apology from Louis Bacon’s Lawyer Fred Smith!


Bacon’s Lawyer Lie on Attorney General


Fred Smith asked to withdraw defamatory statement against Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson.

As a lawyer, especially as a Queen’s Counsel, Mr. Frederick Smith QC is aware, or ought to be aware, that on a daily basis the Police bring prosecutions in the Magistrates’ Courts, without reference to the Attorney General and without seeking the advice of the Attorney General. This authority is derived from the laws of The Bahamas, namely the Police Act.

The recent charge in the Magistrates’ Court against Mr. Smith was laid by the Police without reference to me. By law, it was not necessary for the Police to seek my advice, the Police did not seek my advice and I did not advise the Police.  I can categorically say that I did not consult the Prime Minister in relation to this charge about which I was not consulted nor did the Prime Minister ever communicate with me about this charge.  There was no “political decision at the very highest level” nor at any level.  I deny this totally unfounded and untruthful allegation made by Mr. Smith.

I also deny the outrageous allegations by Mr. Smith against me and my Office including that I have “chosen to victimize” him, that I am “persecuting” him and all other such allegations against me.

The statements made by Mr. Smith appear to be defamatory. I hope that Mr. Smith will reflect on what he said, accept that the said statements are false and publicly acknowledge this with a full and unqualified apology. If Mr. Smith fails to take advantage of this opportunity, the egregious wrong that he has committed will thereby be aggravated. In that circumstance, in consultation with my Counsel, I reserve my right to take further action.