BTVI holds Pink Wednesday to support Brest Cancer Awareness


Students raise awareness in Pink!

Students supporting breast cancer awareness

Nassau, Bahamas — Pink Wednesday was an eventful day at The Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (BTVI) as students, staff and faculty teamed up in the fight against breast cancer.

Coordinated by the Student Affairs Department, it was a community service event to bring awareness to the prevalence of breast cancer, early detection and the battle against the deadly disease.

From pink cupcakes and cakes to pink lemonade and candies, it was BTVI’s way of giving back to the community. Many students, staff and faculty wore pink and visited the information tabled where campus nurse, Nursing Officer, Voreetis Barr provided information on breast cancer.

All proceeds will be donated to the Sister-Sister Breast Cancer Group.

PINK WEDNESDAY – The community service event held at BTVI was coordinated by the Student Affairs Department. In front is campus nurse, Nursing Officer, Voreetis Barr. Shown from left to right are: Collin Francis, Student Success Instructor; Jessica Murray, Career Services Officer; Rochelle Rolle, Student Services Clerk; Geraldine Hepburn, Student Services Clerk; Sheryl Pyfrom, Student Services Clerk; Cassia Minnis,, volunteer and Raquel Bethel, Student Affairs Coordinator.
DELICIOUS – This delicious-looking pink cake topped with strawberries was just one of the many goodies on sale at BTVI’s Pink Wednesday activities.
BREAST CANCER RIBBON - Student Services staff member, Sheryl Pyfrom, pinning campus nurse, Nursing Officer, Voreetis Barr.