BP on top of Garrison murder whilst 'Toilet Paper' caught sleeping again!


anna-garrison<<<A file photo of murdered victim, Anna Michelle Garrison, a West Palm Beach woman who was found dead  and wrapped in a plastic bag and bed sheet on Fox Hill Road. (In inset below is Anna Garrison and daughter Madison Pugh).

Kennett Square, Pennsylvania – The Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI] on Saturday night shot down reports by Bahamas Press that young Madison Pugh, the 16 year-old suspect now sought by Bahamian police, was in custody. This is true. Madison was not arrested.

However, officers in Pennsylvania on Friday did confirm that, while they [Pa. police] have interacted with the girl, she has not been officially questioned. Now this is interesting.

By Saturday members operating the WUTLESS DUTTY ‘Toilet Paper’ [The Tribune] couldn’t sleep. They are so glued to BP for news they went out and found one drunken police officer from under Potter’s Cay Dock and asked him to confirm if what we reported on Friday was true. The officer told them he knew nothing about Madison’s capture/sighting in Pennsylvania and denied what we reported be so. By Monday morning they were shooting down our claims. But on Sunday at a press conference, Raymond Gibson, ACP for Crime and Intelligence told reporters, local officers will be preparing for travel to the Pennsylvania area to question young Madison on the murder of her mother, 33 year-old Anna Garrison. Now if police in the US didn’t know where she was, who will Gibson and officers be going to question? And why they would tell reporters they’re traveling if BP did not break another story?

Madison’s 22 year-old boyfriend, Zyndall McKinney, is in custody for her mother’s murder, and when he was formally charged police told us that a second suspect is being sought by them in connection to this incident. Police said then, they believed that suspect had fled the Bahamas to the United States. They also requested the assistance of the FBI and the American Embassy in Nassau.mom-daughter

Now get this; since local police dropped readers off at that point they said not another word to the press. The WUTLESS MEDIA in The Bahamas reported not a crack. But BP has since told you that that suspect wanted by police was indeed young Madison. We informed you that she was the girlfriend of Mckinney, and NOT THE ‘TOILET PAPER’ [TRIBUNE]!

We told you that it is believed she is in the Pennsylvania area, NOT the ‘TOILET PAPER’. We were the first to question whether the Caucasian women found on the lonely road in Fox Hill was indeed that of a visitor, NOT THE ‘TOILET PAPER’. We were the first to publish Anna Garrison’s photos in the press, NOT The ‘Toilet Paper’ or any other because police never ID our photo of Anna and Madison. We published photos of Madison and Zyndall together, NOT the ‘Toilet Paper’. We told you that Garrison disappeared in Nassau sometime in the 3rd week in December 2008, NOT the ‘TOILET PAPER’. And we, BP, told you on Friday that our sources in Pennsylvania told us that Madison was living with her father in the Kennett Square area and has been seen by police. Today we have confirmation of that.

And so whilst she was not arrested and formally charged, Bahamian police and their ‘RAG SHEET’ agent the ‘DUTTY TOILET PAPER’ should for once call us by our name and say Bahamas Press is once again far ahead of the competition in this story.

McKinney was not required to enter a plea to the charge when he made his initial appearance before Chief Magistrate Roger Gomez in early July.

A preliminary inquiry is expected to determine whether there is enough evidence for him to stand trial in the Supreme Court. No word has come as to whether Madison will be returned to the capital if evidence in the case links her to the investigation.


  1. Well BP this is the reason why I come here if I really want to know what is going on around this country. I know you all is be on top of things before anybody else. I can’t depend on those other wutless media, because they will fail me for every trip. Don’t care how painful the truth is, let me have it. That is why I come here because I am a person who deals in truth. Every time, I read one of your articles and then I go do my own little investigation, I normally find you all to be right on target. Every blue moon you might miss and report something that is incorrect, but it still doesn’t be far off from the truth. I know that is not your style to leave it like that, you would come and admit when you are wrong. Tell me who can’t respect that? You see BP I have to appreciate you all, because if the other media in the country was given us a third of the information that you put out on this blog, they would think that was way too much information for us to know. The other wutless media was not going to waste there time telling us all of these things, so we would not have anything to question or be debating about to begin with. When they do decide to open their mouths and say something, they are always coming with half of the story. Like I said before if you can’t report the full news, don’t bother at all. BP keep on informing the people. All will not like you for what you are doing, but it’s ok.

  2. @truthhurts
    And ‘Truth’ why are they so concern about real news when they know they are never interested in real reporting?

    Look at it for yourself: Today that ‘Rag SHEET’ ‘Toilet PAPER’ reported that the claims of Madison arrest was refuted by Bahamian Police. Superintendent Elsworth Moss agreed with the TOILET PAPER and said “I have no knowledge of that [arrest]…We have been in touch with Pennsylvania and we are trying towork with the Pennsylvania police, but I don’t have any information regarding her being arrested.”

    And what Moss did not say in this is that the Bahamian police did not still know where young Madison was up to the time Bahamas Press reported that in the care of her father Chris Pugh.

    I hope Bahamians and readers around the world see how WUTLESS and deceptive the Bahamian police and their media goons can be. While they disturb us with their constant Spin and LIES, media outlets around the world; CBS, NBC and ABC are all now following Bahamas Press, which now has an approaching 3 Million monthly readers.

    CLICK to read reports today on this story from US networks: http://www.wpbf.com/video/20194312/index.html

  3. good job clarifying that arrest/custody thing.

    i saw how those dummies at the tribune wouldn’t even give you credit bp. so sad.

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