What did this Beauty Pageant cost the Bahamian Taxpayer…$20 Mil?


miss-universe1<<< Nineteen year old newly-crowned Miss Universe, Stefanía Fernández, shares the spotlight with Cabinet Ministers following the live telecast of the 58th annual Miss Universe Pageant. Pictured from left (front row) are Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture, the Hon Desmond Bannister; Deputy Prime and Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Hon Brent Symonette; Minister of State for Culture, the Hon Charles Maynard; Minister of State for Local Government, the Hon. Byran Woodside (back row) Minister of State for Immigration, the Hon Branville McCartney; Minister of National Security, the Hon A A T ‘Tommy’ Turnquest; Minister of State for Public Utilities, the Hon Phenton Neymour; and Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources, the Hon. Larry Cartwright.

Nassau, Bahamas – History was made in The Bahamas on Sunday when a Miss Venezuela was crowned Miss Universe for the second consecutive year.

“I feel honoured to be representing my country in this way,” said nineteen-year old Stefanía Fernández, “It’s very exciting that we brought the crown home again to our country.”

The win marked the first time that an outgoing queen, in this case Dayana Mendoza. Fernández crowned her successor from the same country. It marked an exciting end to the 58th Miss Universe pageant held at the Atlantis, Paradise Island.

Venezuela won its sixth crown and now holds the second most titleholders, one les than th USA, in the Miss Universe. First runner up Dominican Republic had had its strongest finish since 2003, and second runner-up Kosovo debuted last year.

Executive Producer of Miss Universe, Donald Trump, said the event was a success.

“I’d like to thank Dayana (Mendoza) for the excellent work that she’s done during her reign,” said Trump.  “I’d like to congratulate the new queen and look forward to working with her.”

The runners-up included, Miss Dominican Republic, Ada de la Cruz in first place; Miss Kosovo, Marigona Dragusha in second place; Miss Australia Rachel Finch in third place and Miss Puerto Rico Mayra Matos in fourth place.

Other awards included Miss Congeniality, which went to Miss China Wang Jingyao; Best Costume went to Miss Panama, Diane Broce and Miss Photogenic went to Miss Thailand, Chutima Durongdej.

This marks the first time the Miss Universe preliminary competition was streamed online to a worldwide audience. The competition was broadcast live on NBC and Telemundo.


  1. @Dibbles
    look like i guest right dibbles, she had too much conch on two legs..lol could you imagine if she had won, and she missed a few engagements and the question came up where is miss universe, oh she is on materinty leave….hahahahaaha

  2. @LIZARD
    You are on the right track Lizard.Media help us give us the thruth and let it set Miss Jamaica and Miss T.I free and free at last.

  3. @Dibbles
    yea cause miss turks story aint sitting well with me, we have the same weather being our sister country, they are desendants from the bahamas so our culter, our island is not foreign to turk islanders…..BOY I SMELL A RAT i hope we could handle the stuff when it hit the fan, and don’t play duck duck goose…lol/ or she might just be making foot for socks…..wat u tink…hahahahahaha

  4. Hi Kim Sands,we are back on track again nothing really Bahamian was done at the show. To bring a American singer to the Bahamas to preform does not speak well about our singers.You and I know that any of those names you had called could have done a better job.Bahamians keep your head up,news coming in about the girl from T.I does not smell good neither about Miss Jamaica.BP give us the true story.

  5. They could have showcased more of our talented Musicians and by the way the National Youth Choir did not sing until the pageant was over. I know one thing if they did hired our people they wouldn’t of been paying them half of the monies that they paid Kelly Rowland and that other boy with that big medallion and who don’t seem to know how to pull up his pants.

  6. Lizzard, Trust me it wasn’t just you, I was wondering about the same thing. Why didn’t they get the legendary Ronnie Butler, KB, Jay Mitchell, Count Bernardino, Terez Hepburn, Elon Moxey (just to name a few) to bring down the house. All we have is talented Musicians here and these people are not play, play singers and performers, they are extraordinary. I don’t know why they feel they had to bring in entertainers to perform, when we have all of these talented people right here under their noses. I don’t how the Ministry of Tourism or Kerzner could agree to do that. If they did let our people sing that pageant really would have been a true Bahamian Experience.

  7. Trust me it wasn’t just you, I was wondering about the same thing. Why didn’t they get the legendary Ronnie Butler, KB, Jay Mitchell, Count Bernardino, Terez Hepburn, Elon Moxey (just to name a few) to bring down the house. All we have is talented Musicians here and these people are not play, play singers and performers, they are extraordinary. I don’t know why they feel they had to bring in entertainers to perform, when we have all of these talented people right here under their noses. I don’t how the Ministry of Tourism or Kerzner could agree to do that. If they did let our people sing that pageant really would have been a true Bahamian Experience.

  8. Hello people!!!! We got some really great FREE advertisemet!!! And I am sure that I saw the Bahamas National Choir perform.

  9. @LIZARD
    I totally agree with you,you are so right.I didn’t really see any thing Bahamian only those little children walking the former onto stage.

  10. tell me something it must be me but why didn’t they have bahamian entertainers instead of that hot mess of a gurl trying to sing with her bad vocals, i know we have capable bahamians here who would have done an execellent job….that’s if they really wanted to showcase the bahamas….

  11. All this monies they pay to host that pageant here they suppose to have the cameras on our Miss Bahamas all night. They is be joking you know, anyway at least they showcase some of the islands. We have some lovely islands aye?

  12. Did anyone find out how did the Taxi drivers and other Bahamians benifited financially? This pageantry was throwed around for months as an economic stimulus which would significantly impact the Bahamian economy it was evened mentioned in parliament.

    Gee, I really feel for the taxi drivers, their government really misled them on this one…

  13. Trump is not telling the truth. When Singapore backed out Kerzner struck the deal to bring it to the Bahamas and then asked the Government to chip in. Countries were not lined up in a recession to take it. That is why Singapore backed out.

  14. Trump says many countries wanted it. I guess The Bahamas ws the oonly one which wanted it at that price

  15. Kerzner paid half of the cost of Miss Universe as they were the one who brought it to the Bahamas. From what I understand it was about a $12 million tab, with the Bahama government picking up about $6 million

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