Another fire in a Haitian shantytown engulf structures in Sand Banks shantytown in Abaco…


BP has learnt Bahamas Government owns the land and someone was collecting rent….

Live photos from the Sandy Banks area of Abaco where a massive fire last evening destroyed wooden structures in the area. Photo by Timothy Roberts

That individual must be jailed! How was electricity supplied to an illegal community?

Live shots last evening in that massive shantytown fire in Sandy Banks Abaco.

Nassau, Bahamas –Bahamas Press teams are live at this hour in Abaco where we can report there has been a massive fire in a Haitian Village on the island.

The blaze started in the Sand Banks area last evening and miraculously no lives were lost.

Haitian shanty villages have been a long-standing problem in the community, with buildings going up by the day without any regulation and festering dangerous sewerage issues creating contaminated water tables. The communities are breeding rodents and their miles of garbage presents a deadly melting pot for diseases like cholera and dengue.

The Bahamas government has begun a program for the removal of such illegal shantytowns, however the difficulty of removing persons off the land is challenging. In some areas where government has removed structures, tenants paying rent to some Bahamian have sought to build new illegal wooden houses.

Bahamas Press has learnt the Government of the Bahamas owns the land in Sandy Banks where these illegal structures were built. Our question is – who – like in the situation at Mackey Yard – was collecting rent from the tenants at Sandy Banks?

Bahamas Press
is still asking those in authority how did BEC pole #44, which generated power in the community, get erected in Mackey Yard New Providence? We also want to know how it is a pole was erected in this Abaco community supplying electricity to homes that have no clearance to have been constructed in the area?

What in the hell is dis? What kind of nation is this we are running?

BP suggests maybe the police should send those three police officers who served the Magistrate Order on Darron and Annette Cash down to Abaco… serve Eviction Notices there.


We report yinner decide!