He sat in the Cabinet of the Bahamas when hundreds of foreigners were granted citizenship!


Branville McCartney: “Without Labour, Nothing Prospers”

Branville McCartney - LEADER OF THE DNA

In a pre-majority rule Bahamas, the labour movement, founded and propelled by a courageous group of Bahamians led the way in securing racial, financial, and economic equality for countless future generations.

Unfortunately, over the last several decades, the movement has found itself under attack and those freedoms for which those brave Bahamians fought, eroded.

The rights of the worker have been devalued and infringed upon for the sake of big business and unfortunately, the political directive in this country has, in 40 years, done little to preserve the integrity of the mandate given to us by our founding fathers.

Ancient Greek playwright Sophocles once said: “Without Labour, Nothing prospers”. Those words continue to prove truer than ever today. We as a country, find ourselves once again fighting to hold on to the very freedoms for which the men and women before us fought valiantly.

The poor economic state of the country, high unemployment and even worse, severe under-employment have created an environment where countless Bahamians are forced to endure less than ideal working conditions simply in an effort to provide for their families. The country’s longstanding dependence on outside investment has allowed some foreign companies to mistreat, and deprive workers of their due under the law.

Worse still, successive governments have used the labour movement as mere pawns in the ongoing political volley; one party against another. In recent times, we have witnessed countless labour organizations protest, demonstrate and merely seek dialogue with the country’s political directive. If the Bahamas is to prosper though, the political element must remove itself from the business of labour and allow the movement to thrive, flourish and live up to its original mandate: TO PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF WORKING BAHAMIANS!

The Democratic National Alliance firmly believes that the road to prosperity should be paved by true dialogue, fairness and a return to the values which inspired the movement in the first place. On this Labour Day, we celebrate workers, upon whose backs this country was built and upon whose shoulders this great nation will be raised to higher heights.

Branville McCartney
DNA Leader