If the Cabinet ratifies Rodney Smith as President it will set a bad precedent for the University of the Bahamas!


Bahamas Press will not support Smith as President and believes this will cause fallout for the Christie Regime!

The College of the Bahamas!

Dr. Rodney Smith - Candidate for COB Presidency.

Nassau, Bahamas – “…..within the academic world, where advancing knowledge remains the highest calling, scholars must give full and fair recognition to the contributors to that enterprise, both for the substance and for the formulation of their findings and interpretations.” These were the words issued in a statement by the American Association of University Professors in 1990, when they took a position on plagiarism.

In the academic world, plagiarism is considered the ‘Cardinal Sin’. It is the most egregious and unforgivable crime that, if committed in the world of Education, is punishable by expulsion.

In this the world where academics are striving to the zenith of mastery is celebrated, for one to commit the crime of a plagiarist suggests a serious pattern of behaviour that is never tolerated or respected.

In 2013, the Tribune published an online article written by one Lamech Johnson under the headline: “New President Of College Must Be Bahamian”. It spelt out clearly the kind of president COB’s Advisory Committee was in search of.

The article stated: “The President will be the embodiment of the principles and core values of the university with the ability to provide moral and intellectual leadership, on campus and at the national level, on issues of importance to higher education.

“The President must have a highly developed understanding of academic values and culture, as well as an appreciation for scholarly work and academic excellence.”

We will stop there.

The crime of plagiarism at COB can land a student the unfortunate conclusion to be expelled by the Vice President of Academic Affairs, according to COB’s website.

Everyone knows the story of how Dr. Smith succeeded Dr. Leon Higgs but, in 2005, abruptly resigned following a heated controversy over plagiarism. And following that incident, many would argue that much progress to achieve University status was impeded and slowed. The institution survived however, and now is looking for a new President and yes – Dr. Smith is back in the race.

Citing the fact that the Advisory Council was in search of one possessing “academic values and culture”, we at BP were shocked and completely surprised when we saw Dr. Smith’s name back in the hat. It was as if satan himself had placed it there. Boy, I tell ya.

And then Bahamas Press did our own research and guess what we uncovered? We found online a Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Smith, listing all the stellar achievements in his life. And as we glanced at the pdf, we at BP noticed something sinister: there was no mention of COB whatsoever. How cute.

One must wonder why? If Dr. Smith did nothing wrong, then someone please tell us why he was ashamed to place COB there on his record for all to see?

It’s Unbelievable …UNTHINKABLE!

And after being ashamed to parade his work at COB on his CV, the boy from SAC is back staring down at the tall entrance doors of the College!

But now that Dr. Smith is back in the race for the presidency, according to Justice Rubie Nottage, “ASC members and Council members were of the view that Dr. Smith was, undoubtedly, the best candidate for the position of president of COB”???

Sometimes we wonder if some people do go home, smoke 10 rounds of pot, shoot heroin, drink three bottles of Bacardi with Gin  – before they come to speak with the Bahamian people about matters that concern the future of this country. Pray for dem!

Did the ASC members and the Council members consider the position in which this academic assassin would put a New University of the Bahamas, jeopardizing credibility and integrity around the region? What happened to the idea of selecting someone with the “moral and intellectual leadership” and having the “understanding of academic values and culture”?

Sensible Bahamians could see the long lines for legal contests by former students who were disciplined for plagiarism. And their arguments before the courts will be simple – If the University of the Bahamas can accept a plagiarist to be President then what about my son or daughter? Imagine the trouble we will be starting up here?!

We in the Bahamas must be the laughingstock of the region and the wider world!

Here’s our conclusion: Dr. Rodney Smith as qualified and academically dressed he is should have never been allowed to apply for the job in the beginning!

We would stand in shock if the Cabinet of the Bahamas approves such a move and we would be further alarmed if that confirmation comes from the Minister.

We report yinner decide!