Bahamian Doctor has been taser to death by New London Connecticut Police…


BREAKING NEWS >>>> Bahamas Press has breaking news tonight out of New London, Connecticut

Lashano Gilbert, 31

Nassau, Bahamas — Bahamas Press is live in New London tonight where we can report Lashano Gilbert, 31, who The Associated Press reported was a medical school graduate from the Bahamas, died early Saturday morning, hours after being arrested on suspicion of carjacking.

We can report Gilbert was from Nassau and was tased to death by police during the ordeal. Get this; the victim was completing his medical certification in Canada as he had studied in Cuba.

One relative told BP, “This is the long arm of American Justice where young Black Men are being slaughtered at the hands of the law. Gilbert was not a violent person. He had no weapon. This story is just not adding up. We cry for Justice for our relative.”

Police say they were forced to Taser him twice, once when he resisted arrest and again when he attacked officers at the police station hours later.
The chief medical examiner was examining his body Sunday to determine his cause of death.

Gilbert was initially taken into custody just after 7 p.m. Friday on carjacking charges, after police say he jumped through the open window of a woman’s car as she was driving.

Police said that he made stabbing motions toward the driver, appeared to be in an “altered state of mind” and was “speaking in a bizarre manner.” The woman called 911 and “floored” the car to “get him off of her,” police said.

NBC network reported how when police arrived, Gilbert resisted arrest, telling them he was hearing voices, yelling at them and acting aggressively, police said. Police used a stun gun to subdue him.

Gilbert was taken by ambulance to a local hospital for treatment, before being taken to the police station around 3 a.m. Saturday.

Police say that while in his holding cell, Gilbert removed his pants and began twisting them, as if to make a rope. Police say they opened the door to take the pants away, fearing he might hurt himself.

Gilbert then rushed the door and escaped into the common booking area, where he threw objects, including an intoximeter, at officers, and a struggle ensued, according to police. An officer ended that struggle by using a Taser on him.

Gilbert became unresponsive while he was in an ambulance en route to L&M Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 3:23 a.m. Saturday.

Bahamas Press your news leader is on now on the scene going through the crime scene.

We report yinner decide…