Heart Ball’s Victorian High Tea a Great Success


VAT PSA 17 from King Of Hearts Media on Vimeo.

Heart Ball's Victorian High Tea was a Great Success as Carolyn Evans (winner of 1st place raffle) and guests.

Nassau, Bahamas – Afternoon tea at one London’s luxury hotels, the ambiance of Government House’s garden, a relaxing view of Nassau’s Harbour, soft orchestral music, hats, gloves, a fashion show, raffles and prizes, put them all together and you have a Victorian High Tea hosted by the 2014 /2015 Heart Ball Committee.

Under the theme, “Victorian High Tea”, the 2014/2015 Heart Ball Committee hosted their 9th Annual Tea Party & Fashion Show, at Government House, Mount Fitzwilliam. The MC for the afternoon was Mrs. Sheila Bethel. She was dressed for the occasion.

The event was deemed a great success by co-chair Coretta Owen. According to Mrs. Owen, “It was one of the best tea parties we’ve hosted. The logistics simply flowed”.

The ambiance of Government House, coupled with the view of Nassau’s Harbour set the stage for what was to come. Students from Queen’s College, accompanied by their music teacher, Mr. Coleby, played live orchestral music that wooed the crowd and welcomed them.

Guests entered this beautifully transformed setting, and sat at tables replicating tea time at various hotels in London, from the Savoy to the Ritz and much more. Many guests were excited and amazed at the transformation and the commitment of the table decorators who vied to win the table decorating contests.

Twinning’s served cold and hot beverages throughout the afternoon. This coupled with the décor, treats, ambiance and entertainment, provided a relaxing and fun evening for family and friends.

Vendors lined the southern boundary show-casing their work, affording guests the opportunity to preview and purchase possible Christmas gifts. The vendors included:Banesian Designs, Armani Jewelers, Sheekie’s Hand Made Products – Curly Curl, Exquisite Scents, HMP Bags, Rik Carey, J & J Photo Imaging, Beth’s Kitchen and Twinings.

The guests were treated to a fashion show with stylish pieces from The Seventeen Shop, BCBG Cable Beach and Brynda Knowles Collection, modeled by Portia Nottage, Sheniqua Musgrove and Patrice Taylor.

Guests were treated to a special segment consisting of a Hat Show with hats from Pamela Rolle’s Collection, designed by Keith Dawkins. The Rolle sisters modeled the hats, leaving guests wishing for more and seeking to acquire similar hats.

Besides the teas, fashion and hats, guests and table decorators came hoping to win prizes. The winners of the table judging competition were Carolyn Evans. The 2nd and 3rd place prizes went to Coretta Owen and Latonia Tinker & Darel Clayton respectively.

The winner of the Hat Competition, chosen from the audience, was Ms. Leah Rolle.

The top prizes for the in-house raffle went to Keniqua Whitehouse.

As a major sponsor, Twinings provided special prizes. They offered a table prize for one lucky winner at each table; that individual took home a tea chest filled with an assortment of Twinings teas. Additionally, Twinings topped their presentation for the afternoon with a special room raffle prize – a Twinings Tea party for 12, inclusive of dishes, teas, servers and more. This prize was won by Michelangiolio Baccelli.

The 9th Annual Tea Party & Fashion Show, hosted by The 2014/2015 Heart Ball Committee, was sponsored in part by:Twinings, Milo Butler, Western Air, Cable Bahamas, RBC, Going Places Travel, ZNS, Barefoot Marketing, Love 97, Island FM, More 94FM, G & M Appliances, RIK, Beth’s Kitchen, Banesian Jeweler’s, Amani Jewelery, HMP Handbags, Brynda Knowles, BCBG Cable Beach, The Seventeen Shop, and Natural Products by Sheekie.

According to Ingrid sears, the PR Officer for the Heart Ball Committee, “We are very grateful to all who helped us to make this event a great success; this includes our guests. Thank you for your support. The afternoon was very entertaining”.

Ms. Sears went on to say, “We want the public to please remember us as the holidays approach. You can make a donation that can help to repair a child’s heart. No amount is ever too small and every penny counts. Also, our Annual Heart Ball is scheduled for February 14th, 2015, Valentine’s Day. Please save the date and plan to attend. You can share this memorable moment with family and friends, while helping to repair a child’s heart. Please invest in our future and help to repair a child’s heart”.

The Heart Ball Committee is the fundraising arm of The Sir Victor Sassoon (Bahamas) Heart Foundation, commonly referred to as The Heart Foundation. The Heart Foundation helps to repair the hearts of children who cannot ordinarily afford heart care. The Foundation relies heavily upon the generosity of others to accomplish their mission. The Heart Ball Committee hosts two major fundraisers to benefit The Heart Foundation; the Annual Heart Ball and The Annual Tea Party & Fashion Show.

To find out more about The Heart Foundation, The Annual Heart Ball or to support The Heart Foundation please call 327-0806 or visit sassoonbahamasheartfoundation.org. You can also follow The Heart Ball Committee on twitter and facebook.

PSA 18 from King Of Hearts Media on Vimeo.

Photos: J & J Photo Imaging