Tough sentences could be for Criminals as soon to be Sir Hartman Longley is appointed Chief Justice! YEAHHHHHHH!


Sir Hartman will send criminals to JAIL!

Justice Hartman Longley

Criminals sent up as Sir Hartman – THE PEOPLE’s JUDGE – takes control of the courts!

Freeport, Bahamas – Senior Justice Hartman Longley c/o Supreme Court, Grand Bahama sentenced four (4)Grand Bahamian males to Her Majesty’s Prison on Thursday 22nd January 2015 for the January 19 2013 murder and armed robbery of businessman Christopher Outten.

1. Natario Walkins, 50 years for murder, 25 years for armed robbery, 15 years for conspiracy to commit armed robbery.

2. Valentino Bethel, 40 years for murder, 25 years for armed robbery, 15 years for conspiracy to commit armed robbery.

3. Sean Collie and Harrison Walkins, 15 years for conspiracy to commit armed robbery.