Bahamas Minister of Education celebrates Christmas with students


bisstudents-1<<< Students perform during the annual Festival of Carols held at the Church of God of Prophecy, East Street.

Nassau, Bahamas – The new Minister of Education the Hon Desmond Bannister spent his first official day on the job celebrating with students from a cross-section of public and private schools.

The Minister attended the annual ‘Festival of Carols’ held at the Church of God of Prophecy on East Street, Wednesday, December 2.

The Governor General His Excellency Arthur D Hanna and several officials from the Ministry of Education including Permanent Secretary, Elma Garraway and Director of Education Lionel Sands were also in attendance.

Mr Bannister told the students that they should look beyond the festivities of the holidays.

“Christmas is time when God’s overwhelming love is manifested to us,” he said.  “Would it not be nice if we can continue to show each other this ‘love’ throughout the year.”

Charging the students with the objective of spreading love and unity in the schools, Mr Bannister said the country is counting on students to do their part.

“Only Christmas brings so many varied activities such as decorating, shopping, church functions, parties, carnival and of course, Junkanoo,” he said.

“However, we must never forget that the main reason for the season is to celebrate and to reflect on the good of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.”

Hundreds of students gathered to be entertained by their peers who performed a variety of Christmas songs, dances and instrumental selections.

The Church was also a picture of Christmas cheer with poinsettias and decorations adorning the entire hall.


Governor General His Excellency Arthur D Hanna shares a moment with the new Minister of Education the Hon Desmond Bannister during the annual Festival of Carols held at the Church of God of Prophecy, East Street, Wednesday, December 2.


  1. It is good to see the new minister of education enjoying the festival and the children performances, Also, it was kind that he had some very positive thoughts to share with them. Those children must have felt proud to know he was there watching them too.

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