Justice of the Supreme Court Rhonda Bain accosted and robbed at ATM


ronda-bain<<< Breaking News now coming into Bahamas Press confirms newly appointed Justice of the Supreme Court, Rhonda Bain, was accosted and robbed in a daylight robbery at the Scotia Bank ATM on East Bay Street around 9am Saturday. Bahamas Press has learned police is at this hour combing the area attempting to track down the bandits. Justice Bain was unharmed during the ordeal.


  1. @ awakened yeah and all they sayin is hang dem hangdem well who taught them all that they know fair enough if they think hanging is a solution or it satisfies their appetite for vengence but the problem needs a holistic approach violence begets violence. People are bitter you only need to read the post what states that they are glad this incident occured this tree of crime has many roots attack them all and we kill the tree

  2. Rodney :
    Larry, you forget how Brent said Perry should have died when he had his stroke eh? Talk about Karma, his coming soon.


    Actually I don’t remember that, and either way two wrongs don’t make a right.

  3. Larry, you forget how Brent said Perry should have died when he had his stroke eh? Talk about Karma, his coming soon. I feel bad for anyone who is a victim of crime but it may have to happen for these jokers to take this serious.

    BP, you know nobody is going to do any video comments. Hubert in charge so you can forget that. Even you won’t use it so what you think about me? LOL. Nice feature though, but don’t look for much activity there.

  4. @Tink we fool This story is true, the media has ran it already, but it seems until crime hits the big wigs they are not gonna take crime serious, and break some heads, but you know what our society glorifies materialism and these individuals want the flat screen and the other goodies, that’s not even taking in to consideration the ones who are actually hungry or wanting to take care of their love ones, this stuff is deep people, it’s not a be better parents catch phrase that they are throwing around, it;s way more than that, most of these parents need help with their attitude and manners, who is gonna parent them?.

  5. Raah :
    They need to rob Hubert!

    Your wishing this on someone, perhaps it may happen to you, karma is a beatch. No matter, who you think is responsible, wishing criminal activity on someone is childish, sadistic and quite frankly criminal.

  6. mumma hungry pappa hungry do somtin fah the poor..if this is true its yet another reason to act know implementing a comprehensive crime strategy

  7. LOL NOOOOO Just like to see how this new tool work. Of course I invite politicos to make speeches on here. Where is JOE BLOW by the way?

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  8. media :
    Hey please use our new audio video system and send your response on Bahamas Press.
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    Why? what is wrong with the current system? You tryin’ to find out somet’in’ eh?

  9. Hey please use our new audio video system and send your response on Bahamas Press.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

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