Another Bains and Grants Town resident knifed for a plate of food and died in the streets of that community…This was the second murder last night…


Mario Coakley AKA ‘Ninja’ dead just outside a children party….

Mario Coakley AKA 'Ninja' knifed down in the streets after asking for a plate of food... He is the 10th person to die in the violence in 7 days - Country experienced its BLOODIEST WEEK THIS WEEK!!!

The bloody wars on the streets of the capital is taking a toll on Emergency Service workers…WE DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS!

He was also known to police.

Nassau, Bahamas — It’s early Sunday morning, and it’s time pray. I could still smell the scent of thick heated blood in my head following that horrid scene off East Street where a shooting victim died last night. It reminded me of the savagery and carnage of war; ruthless, bloody, crude and downright sinful. Humans hunted down like animals then baked in their own blood on the streets.

This is wrong. This is bad! This is EVIL!

And the Bahamas is not Rawanda.

What we are witnessing is a new case of genocide; where young children are failing and are being hunted down by lawless, rebellious militias; organized gangs on our streets. People with no sense of law and order and who seek to force Bahamians to resigned into exile behind iron gates.

BP can confirm that there was a party in the Bain Town area of Eneas Street last evening where this young man [photographed], simply wanted a plate of food. He is known through the community as Mario Coakley aka ‘Ninja’.

If you know the area he lives right near the Rabbit Bar in that part of town. He we also know was known to police.

Is is now reported that shortly after 9:00pm on Saturday 5th April 2014, the victim was attending a barbeque on Eneas Street, when a man armed with a knife attacked him and stabbed him multiple times about the body.

The deceased succumbed to his injuries at the scene.

Police are however reporting that a short while later they arrested a 27 – year old man of Yellow Elder in connection with this incident. Yellow Elder appears to be the knifing capital these days. Last week Sunday a man was knifed and died in the street of that community.

Some tell us Mario was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. Met up with the wrong people, with the wrong motives, and who again tell a sad story of having the wrong values of life.

Bahamas Press is by no stretch of the imagination comfortable or at ease in reporting these incident.

We see a police force that is far too overworked with these homicides. Who will care for these officers who must go back to a warm bed like us – only with the smell of these scenes; horrid images in our head playing like a scorched record. We see EMS service workers tied and we see a community getting cold, and yet, still silent to the weight of crime in these areas.

Who knifed this man to death on the ground where a weak cry for help came? No one will speak – simply sad.

And then again come Monday morning those in the WUTLESS MEDIA will blame some politician; turning blind eyes to the scores of witnesses who witnessed this bloody scene, but refuse to speak.

Someone know the person who did this? And in their mind they are saying; “NOT MY GOOD CHILD! Not my good son. Not my good brother. Not my friend”.

This is not what we bargained for when we began Bahamas Press.

We report yinner decide!