Anxiety And Chaos In T&T, Of course 'Da Bald Head Monk' in town


fnm_5073-1<<< Word is that Anxiety and Chaos is in T&T tonight just hours before US President Obama arrives in the twin Island Nation. But we know just what that exist, Hubert Ingraham AKA ‘Da Bald Head Monk’ is also in Trinidad tonight. We hope he ask for all those CLICO policyholders money from the Trinidad government who now owns CLICO. But don’t hold your breaths, knowing Hubert he forget a Clico ever existed in the Bahamas. JUST KEEP PAYING YOUR PREMIUMS HE SAYS…KEEP PAYING!

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By Ken Thomas/CWNN Trinidad

PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, Fri. April 17, 2009: Amid an air of anxiety and great expectations here in this twin -island nation on the eve of the Fifth Summit of the Americas, there are many residents who still cannot believe that the authorities have made every possible effort to avoid the inconveniences and dissatisfaction being experienced in some sectors of the populace.

Up to Thursday, there was chaos and confusion as officials sought to cope with the huge demand for accreditations and passes that would allow public access to three special zones in the capital.

For instance, there was a large number of persons, who live or work here, who had not yet received their special passes which were promised by National Secretariat, the government department responsible for all arrangements connected with this historic event.

The media was told that some 20,000 accreditations had been processed, but persons who had not yet received theirs could do so up to the midnight hour today, Friday, April 17.

Checks at one of the offices in Port of Spain revealed that although the lines seemed shorter and more orderly than on Wednesday, there were hundreds of persons still to receive their passes, and these included media personnel from abroad who had applied online ahead of arriving here.

In the midst of the hype and preparations, albeit the joy being expressed by a huge segment of the population over the fact that the first black President of the United States, Barack Obama, will be gracing these shores, among some 33 other hemispheric leaders, many persons are disappointed that the American First Lady , Michelle Obama, is reportedly not making the trip this time, despite earlier assurances to the contrary.

The media here has reported that she has instead decided to stay home “to take care of the girls. ”

There is, nevertheless a buzz of activity in Trinidad – persons who have already received their badges and accreditations are being seen all across the city, and many people will have a day-off work on Friday, as government offices and some shops will remain closed for the day.

Last minute efforts to clean up the City of Port of Spain have to a large extent been successful, but a few vagrants are still being seen in a few places.

Meanwhile, the labor movement is not letting up in its expressed view that the country needs to place more attention on the needs of the working class, such as health facilities and other social amenities, and not put the greatest priority on the construction of skyscrapers and luxurious government offices.

The Federation of Independent Trade Unions, (FITUN), although denied permission to march in the Port of Spain during the Fifth Summit, will be staging a protest rally on Saturday on the compound of the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine campus.

And at a meeting Thursday afternoon, certain trade union officials decried Wednesday’s denial of entry to this country of a Puerto Rican national, identified as Alberto De Jesus, who the authorities described as a security risk.

“This action was in the best interest of the nation’s security, ”
National Security Minister, Martin Joseph, told the media on Thursday.

Police said the man, who was expected to be deported on Friday, was known as a professional demonstrator and activist.

President Obama and U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, will head a 1,000-member strong American delegation for the Summit, taking place over the next three days in this land of Soca and steel band music.

They will arrive here on Friday afternoon, mere hours before the start of the Summit being held at a posh, newly-constructed Hyatt-Regency hotel in this city and aboard the cruise ship, Caribbean Princess, which is anchored at the Port of Spain harbor. –


  1. When we finally reach the stage where we leave behind our Party affiliations, after an election, and the Prime Minister is able to choose the best person for a Ministerial position, we will become closer to a real democracy. This will be a difficult concept- not for the voters- but for the power brokers and will require the politicians to place country first. Imagine having Butler -Turner in her present position and Yamacraw as the Minister of State for Social Services. Two powerful persons, who could combine their particular strengths and co-peratively fast track that Service. Of course it would take a lot of maturity on both their parts and with the understanding that B.T. is the ultimate decision maker. Imagine having the same thing happening with Minnis and Knottage. Perhaps, Shane Gibson would be appointed Minister of Housing and Mr. Russell the Minister of State for Housing. The Opposition Minister would not be a member of the Cabinet and the State Minister, who would, would bring their concensus, as to their Ministry, to the meetings. While this would take a high level of maturity and trust, it certainly is do-able although I would agree that not too many of the present motely crew will reached that level of maturity, not because it is not in them to do so, but because of their entrenched ideas of what a politician is. In this way, the Opposition can be fully informed of what is happening without influencing the direction that the Party in power is contemplating taking the country. That would be left for debate as any new Bills or Ammendments are debated. Also ,by the very nature of the set-up, members of the Opposition would be included in any delegations. As to Fred Mitchell, despite his many abilities, I could not invite him to be a part of this delegation, as he has demonstrated all too clearly that not only does he think he is the spokesperson for the PLP but he is the spokesperson for this country. He would embarrass us by insinuating himself in every photo, and every meeting and try to convey to the world that he is the man! Sorry about that Fred, but that is how you are coming across, these days.

  2. Thomas Finley you get the point. Joe blow and Finley brings the balance that we need everyone cannot be on one accord like the fnm.

    There will always be dissenting voices in every sphere of life except amongst fnm’s

  3. Both Mitchell & Christie should have been invited to travel with the Bahamian delegation. There are only 300,000 of us, and we need all hands on board. Adults are way more petty than children, obviously.

  4. Connie :

    rb75 :JR: I don’t think that Joe is having any type of break down he is just stating the facts …i disagree with you the government should not be paying for any shadow Minister to travel as he is not apart of the current Administration and he is not in the cabinet so I do not see why he should be traveling and it is a dangerous thing for any opposition shadow Minister to travel along with any official government travel group as this could put the opposition as siding along with the government policies be it good or bad…[Reply]

    You are wrong on this one RB. Shadow minister are apart of the legislature which is a great part of the government. While they are no apart of the governing party. IN that interest of fair play, good governance and where economic times permitted shadow minister should be privy to information except at cabinet level and it that entail travel it should fall to the government to cover that. I see that as progress. Your concern is unfounded in any shadow minister worth their salt would see the sitation and come to their own conclusion and should that side with the government on something that makes sense well all the better for us

    Well Connie, I kinda agree with you and JR..But I see atleast a good and a bad in that though.. The good being that if the Opposition were to ever become the govt. The incoming ministers would be more informed as to what their jobs are and this process would aid in a better continuation of governance!!

    The bad. The govt members would be able to influence some of the shadow ministers into back stabbing their particular parties…

    The problem that I see is the other parties (outside of the official opposition) would still be out in the cold if they were to become the govt.!!!

  5. Joe I was just pulling your leg man. Sometimes you come across as overly sympathetic to the FNM and even when you say the PLP is bashing, you never give them props for the points they make that have nothing to do with personality. The FNM has been continuously messing up from jump. I think because shadow ministers are briefed by their government counterparts, then it should be a good idea for them to be included in international delegations to events such as this. What they do on these trips can be managed to a degree by the government but they should be present at talks if only to observe. We have to keep government honest and who can say when they go off to these trips that they are working in our interests? You see the minister of foreign affairs refuses to go anywhere that isn’t New York so what does that tell you?

  6. rb75 :JR: I don’t think that Joe is having any type of break down he is just stating the facts …i disagree with you the government should not be paying for any shadow Minister to travel as he is not apart of the current Administration and he is not in the cabinet so I do not see why he should be traveling and it is a dangerous thing for any opposition shadow Minister to travel along with any official government travel group as this could put the opposition as siding along with the government policies be it good or bad…

    You are wrong on this one RB. Shadow minister are apart of the legislature which is a great part of the government. While they are no apart of the governing party. IN that interest of fair play, good governance and where economic times permitted shadow minister should be privy to information except at cabinet level and it that entail travel it should fall to the government to cover that. I see that as progress. Your concern is unfounded in any shadow minister worth their salt would see the sitation and come to their own conclusion and should that side with the government on something that makes sense well all the better for us

  7. No mental breakdown-just calling it as I see it. Both Partys have their workers and their “slackers”. And both have their mischief-makers. If I appear to you to favour the FNM it is mostly because you PLPs deal so much in negativity and personality bashing that someone has to point out that all are brothers and sisters cut from the same mold. LOP was a willing mentor of Hubert Ingraham and must have taught him some good political points. It takes all sorts to run this country and those who continually bash others do so because they have very little to offer their country or are just too lazy to want to make a positive contribution. If we all agreed all the time, what a dull site this would be! You might have a point re: Fred Mitchell if he weren’t so full of himself.

  8. JR: I don’t think that Joe is having any type of break down he is just stating the facts …i disagree with you the government should not be paying for any shadow Minister to travel as he is not apart of the current Administration and he is not in the cabinet so I do not see why he should be traveling and it is a dangerous thing for any opposition shadow Minister to travel along with any official government travel group as this could put the opposition as siding along with the government policies be it good or bad…

  9. Joe, are you having a mental breakdown? You actually said that your almighty FNM and its golden boy deputy leader who is the Foreign Minister who never travels isn’t doing anything? Did someone slip some reality into your red cool aid or are you finally coming out of the closet and using your noggin? I think that the government should pay for Shadow Ministers to go to events so that we can get the best representation on international matters. It is clear that we could use all the help we can get even if it means footing the bill for Fred Mitchell or any PLP to travel as a part of a delegation. Hubert on his own or even with all of his boys can’t get anything done. Brent say where ya put me. Don’t worry, ain’t long nah.

  10. Ronica 7 and rb75: A little laugh to brighten the day! But so apropos.
    Do you know why the Ten Commandments are not posted in the H.OA?
    You cannot post “Thou Shalt Not Steal”, “Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultry”,
    “Thou Shalt Not Lie” in the building because it creates a hostile work
    As to Fred, I don’t really care where he goes, I just don’t want the tax payers to pay for it. Brent Symmonette certainly does not appear to be doing anything. I guess we do get what we deserve.

  11. In my opinion it really does not matter if Fred goes or stays or stay or go this meeting as well as all meetings during this time with the summit of the Americas is of no use at this time to the Bahamas…..Obama is only going to stress to the leaders of the America’s two issue’s that all Nation’s that are dealing in harmful banking practices to cease such practices and to tightening up on the drug and money and gun laundering ….he might renew the caribbean basin initiative and he might give out a few promises but that will be it …Hey I admire Obama and was the one of the first to predict that he will win the Presidency and I even donated to his campaign but at last reality is reality and the facts are that his hands are tied and he have to get the U.S house in order before he can even look at problems in South America and the Caribbean.

  12. Why did fred Mitchell apply to attend the meeting? Put simply, thats what people do when they want to be informed,keeping abreast of current affairs. I tell you Fred Mitchell will run circles around Brent Symonette

    His only desire is to be prime minister, (heaven help us all if that happens). This cabinet is the most, “wutless” (fnm word) in the history of this country.

  13. Joe Blow :Why is Barack Obama and his entourage attending the meeting? Could it be that there are many side meetings scheduled on seperate matters? Could it be that Mr. Ingraham wants to give TT some exposure and experience? Why did Fred Mitchell apply to attend the meeting? Why equate anxiety and chaos with HAI? Why do we bring personalities into everything and “diss” the issues? “WHY not take chaos and from it create a semblance of order?”

    It is simple this meeting will be a bunch of grand standing and photo op and that is about it …Obama is not interested in what is happening in the Caribbean and is right now this part of the hemisphere is not high on his agenda….The main goal during this meeting is to tell the caribbean and other leaders of the Americas is to put our offshore banking house in order …..this is the only message that he will have for the caribbean.

  14. Why is Barack Obama and his enterage attending the meeting? Could it be that there are many side meetings scheduled on seperate matters? Could it be that Mr. Ingraham wants to give TT some exposure and experience? Why did Fred Mitchell apply to attend the meeting? Why equate anxiety and chaos with HAI? Why do we bring personalities into everything and “diss” the issues? “WHY not take chaos and from it create a semblance of order?”

  15. This has become an all too common question with this current administration, but why, why is Tommy Turnquest the Minister of National Security attending a meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers?

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