Asian Bahamian are investigating a white Bahamian after being caught raping a 15-year-old female guest at a major property on Cable Beach!


Police released the suspect hours after arresting him – WELL WHAT IS THIS? Suspect connected in the business community!

Cable Beach police station.

NASSAU| An Asian Bahamian national is now being questioned by police after he allegedly raped a 15 year-old American at a hotel property in Cable Beach.

BP team on the ground at the property reported how the suspect was caught in the very act (naked as he born) assaulting the young visiting teen after she went missing.

The incident unfolded last evening as the American family lost the daughter in the group; GPS tracked her phone to a location on the property and caught the rapist in the very act with the child.

Sources deep in the investigation confirmed the Asian-Bahamian is in his 50s and has children of his own.

Sources tell us detectives are investigating how the 50-year-old gained access on the property when he was not a guest lurking inside the property for his victim.

BP wonders what kinds of double standards are being engaged at the property? If this were a black Bahamian would the same treatment be met?

Police say they are investigating the incident. Crime is down they say…yeah it down in Cable Beach (unreported).

We report yinner decide!