NASSAU| Apparently, it is so easy to get caught up in all that was the dumpster fire called 2020 and lose sight of the fact that we have actually made it through all of 2021, which by no means was an easy feat. As a country the Bahamas was literally on life support.
The economy was limping along; the government had lost the trust of the people and it was absolutely apparent that the decision to call an early election was driven more by a desire for self-preservation than anything else.
The General Election of 2021 will be known most for the absolute rejection of the Free National Movement and their approach to governance. Their haphazard, irresponsible approach to serving the Bahamian people resulted in a dramatic reversal of the 2017 result, bringing the Progressive Liberal Party to power, with an unmistakable mandate.
Under the leadership of the Honourable Philip Davis, known to the nation as “Brave”, the PLP won the day with a message of economic equity and empowerment, and became a government with only the Bahamian people in mind.
Brave Davis is not a stranger to the Bahamas, having served as Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Leader of the PLP during the last Christie administration. If you leave it to any politician, if they could write their own story, it would be the quintessential rags to riches tale. How they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and overcame humble beginnings to attain the highest office in the land.
In this instance, that is actually the story of Brave Davis. Born and raised on Cat Island, he fought to secure his education by working odd jobs and packing groceries to make ends meet. He sought out the brightest legal minds to train him. It was with understanding and compassion grounded in his upbringing and life experience that the Prime Minister articulated his thoughtful and heartfelt vision to deliver a weary nation.
His efforts to reorganize, rejuvenate, rebrand and REBUILD the PLP resulted in a slate of candidates that were as committed as they were diverse, black, white, male, female, tattooed, locks – his was a message of inclusion and community. Despite all efforts to derail his message, Brave continued to ensure that he spoke directly to the Bahamian people, offering them a glimpse of what a competent hardworking government could look like.
His goal can now be listed as achieved, as Philip Brave Davis now serves as the country’s fifth (5th) Prime Minister. His ascension to office could not have come at a more critical time, considering the dual crises in health and the economy we as a nation face.
With more than twenty years in Parliament, all in service to the people of the Bahamas, more specifically the constituency Cat Island, Rum Cay & San Salvador, Brave Davis continues to be the man the nation needs now.
Brave Davis knows the importance of good legislation, and understands how government is supposed to work, for all the people, not just the privileged few.
Brave’s methodical and deliberate approach to problem solving and his willingness to tell it straight to the Bahamian people will not only lead us out of our current predicament but lay the foundation for future success.
As Prime Minister he told the world clearly about the threat they continue to create for countries like our own through their climate ignorance and collective unwillingness to tackle climate change.
As the nation reels from one disclosure to the next regarding the people’s business and the former government’s reckless and destructive approach to managing the public’s affairs, the fact that Prime Minister Davis assumed the reins of government inspired a collective sigh of relief across the nation.
At his insistence we call him by his nickname, “Brave,” a man whose character is defined by his warm and welcoming personality, humility, and a sincere desire to make things better for those around him. This has earned him new if only temporary supporters willing to give him a chance.
His wisdom and compassion, along with his desire to create consensus and inclusiveness, has resulted in the most diverse government in the history of the country, with five women serving around the cabinet table, along with the Speaker of the House and Senate President.
As we prepare for the unknown in 2022, we look forward with hope and renewed focus on the things in front of us and not behind. Tomorrow, VAT drops to 10% and we expect that the minimum wage will be increased sometime next year. The rollout of free COVID testing in smaller island communities delivered a service the former government did not even wish to attempt, and wider free COVID testing nationwide is promised to be rolled out early next year. Then there’s the additional assistance approved in the supplemental budget for struggling families through National Insurance and Social Services. And this is just what has been done in past 100 days.
And for these reasons, Philip Edward “Brave” Davis is indeed the man for this hour, and our Person of The Year 2021!
Happy New Year Everyone….see you on the other side.