
The website of the PLP webmaster.

Bahamas Press would like to let ‘PLPADMIN.’ know that what our feeling towards Mr. Perry Christie has nothing to do with the matter being argued on this BLOG, NOTHING! Of late the webmaster of the PLP’s website had levied an attack on this blog, going to the extreme to suggest that we have done something criminal by posting SEX in a classroom at the Doris Johnson High School. Now here is a voice [the webmaster of the PLP] that now appears to walk in the same footsteps of silence, and deception like everyone else who oppose our posting.

The fact is, the general public and many readers in here would agree that the Rt. Hon. Perry Gladstone Christie is one of the MOST decent political figures that has walked on the political sand of The Bahamas, UNTAINTED AND UNCORRUPTED! This is our view as well. And the SAME can be said for RT. Hon. Hubert Alexander Ingraham, ‘The Bahamian Delivery BOY!’ And Champion of the Poor! Now this is clear, let the webmaster of the PLP know, we have NO issue with Mr. CHRISTIE. He like Mr INGRAHAM both are good patriotic men. And we all would agree, there are policy concerns we may have with both men, but their record in politics speaks for itself.

This current argument between Bahamas Press and the PLPadmin. is the point that the webmaster has an entire party website at his disposal, to STOP, BLOCK and suspend articles at his will. But now since Bahamas Press is up and on its feet BREAKING NEWS in this country, with over 290,000 weekly readers. We present news that has been quietly hidden by the ‘WUTLESS Media’ in The Bahamas.

However despite all this, the webmaster of the PLP now seek to come in here and comment on almost every piece of material we post.

“DO YOU NOT HAVE A BLOG? Do you not have a place to express your VIEWS? Don’t you not have an audience and a fully developed, organized 40 plus year old political machinery to SLAM your views of on what is going on in the country? Or is it that YOU have no say?”

Again we ask the now ‘deceptive webmaster of the PLP’ to GET OUT AND STAY OUT Of this BLOG! This is the place for those who wish to tell their untold story to the world. Stories which the ‘WUTLESS MEDIA’ and now ‘PLP Webmaster’ would never tell.


  1. Well let Bahamas Press start by saying it is not for you or anyone else to come in here and tell us what to do or PUBLISH. We know our JOB! We know the rules the govern Journalism. We have writers that have 30 plus years experience in the business. So no, Bahamas Press is not a blog that needs to be lectured from a 5 year rookie.

    However, as we keep telling everyone else who come in here, if you ‘cockeyed reporters’ have a problem with the site you have your media to respond, if you think this is a crime write it, say so and lets start a real debate. And if it is, then SEX by a 17 year old with a MINOR 13 year old is a CAPITAL CRIME. INCLUDING ALL WHO COVERED IT UP AND FAIL TO REPORT IT TO THE POLICE. Did you not know that? Well if you didn’t, NOW YOU KNOW!

    And therefore you should be talking to the principal at Queen’s College, and NOT Bahamas Press.

    Bahamas Press / Editor

    PS: We are not hoodwinked when he hear of crimes committed in The Bahamas then report it differently. Nor are we GUILTY of DEFLECTING TRUTH in this country. But just if you did not know, we are the OTHER GUYS.

  2. Thank you for your daily updates. I enjoy reading your forum. However, and this e-mail is not so that you will post this on your website, or to take sides, but just for your information it is illegal for you to post the alleged teen sex video on your website. If you speak to the people at the Cyber Crime Unit (ASP Rolle) they will tell you that to reproduce material that shows anyone even appearing as a minor engaged in a sex act is punishable by law. We could not even reproduce a screenshot of it for the paper. Don’t take my word for it, please check it out for yourself.

    I tell you this because these laws are actually in place to protect children, and we should, even while seeking to uncover the truth, still abide by the law and protect those that cannot defend themselves.

    Juan McCartney
    Guardian Senior Reporter
    (242) 302-2325

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