BAHAMIAN 19-YEAR-OLD Latrell Anderson killed Sunday morning in Orlando in a hit and run 3am in the morning…

19-year-old Latrell Anderson

ORLANDO, Fla. – The loved ones of 19-year-old Latrell Anderson are trying to cope with his death — including his best friend, Sanae Knowles.

Anderson was killed Sunday in a hit-and-run crash on Edgewater Drive in Orlando.

Knowles still can’t believe this happened.
She had known Anderson for 10 years; both were raised in the Bahamas and were inseparable after meeting.

“He was someone that I spoke to every day, multiple times a day,” Knowles said.

She said Anderson was a Valencia College student and an aspiring nurse.

“He thought of helping people more than himself,” Knowles said.

Sunday, she received an unexpected phone call from her cousin.

“She said Latrell is dead,” Knowles said.
Her first reaction was, “No.”

Anderson graduated in 2022 at Mary Star of the Sea on Grand Bahama before relocating in Orlando to persue his education.

May his soul rest in peace.