Wutless Media proves to Biminites they have no interest in the success of the Bahamas!

Bright days are ahead for Bimini!
Bailey Town, Bimini — Readers across the Bahamas must become very concerned with the wutless Bahamian media these days; particularly when they see that there is a pernicious desire by them to see failure in the country.
Whenever it is high crime, high unemployment or a boat not cleared to leave the Port of Miami, it makes news. Even the dutty smudgy ZNS station at times follows this ‘vicked’ spin to fan what is bad in the country rather than explore truth.
Today, opportunity came alive for hundreds of residents in Bimini following the arrival of the SuperFast Speed Boat, which is expected to deliver hundreds of guests to the island. But although this occurred – the wutless Bahamian media said nothing about the arrival tonight and were not there to greet the vessel.

The ship delay came after the Coast Guard had a few more inspections to complete. And before the vessel could sail, the wutless media, who want things Bad for Bahamians, was all over the news.
Well, with just a few days delay – Bimini now has a cruise vessel docking in the harbour and thousands of guests will arrive weekly, hundreds of Bahamains now have a job, people are headed back to work – and it is all GOOD GOOD GOOD for the Bahamian economy!
Bahamas Press is monitoring the DUTTY, SHAMEFUL, NASTY behaviour of the WUTLESS MEDIA and we’ll say this to them – THE SHIP IS NOW IN THE PORT OF BIMINI – and yinner failed to SHOW – TAKE DAT AND SMOKE IT!
Yinner have no DAMN SHAME!