Butler-Turner breaks ranks with FNM Party to support Perry Christie on Stem Cell – FNM say the WOMAN HAS GONE MAD!!!


Butler-Turner needs may be having a relapse from her 1993 mental condition…

Loretta Butler-Turner - Break ranks with her party and supports Christie.

Nassau, Bahamas — Loretta Butler Turner breaks ranks with the FNM and could now threaten the Opposition by sitting as an independent in the Parliament.

Sources close to the Party tell us, “Since that slap attack on Rollins in the Parliament, Butler-Turner has been a loose cannon, speaking on every issue, holding her own press conference, walking out of Parliamentary meetings and outright lying to the press. We believe she is having a relapse of her medical incident of 1993, when she had to check into Doctor’s Hospital for depression and mental illness!”

Some believe the position of Opposition Deputy Leader is taking a mental toll on the Long Island MP, who, for the last 10 public events, has had only two black outfits on. An MP noted, “From the looks of things, it is clear.  Even if the FNM hasn’t noticed it, the public has. The MP appears nervous, twitching and looks very uncomfortable in public.”

Last week Butler Turner told the media that the public was not informed of the increases at Customs, but MP for Golden Isles and Junior Minister of State in Finance said that was a lie. The Minister pointed out the levy increases to the press and concluded that not only was Butler-Turner being deliberately misleading but also dishonest in her comments on tax increases.

Many remember Butler, who doesn’t sleep these days, forced MPs during the committee stage of the budget to stay in the House up to 2am as she fired repetitive questions to the Government – a sign of mental illness indeed.

She also recently stormed out of an FNM meeting on the Stem Cell debate, which is expected to be voted on at the next sitting.

The FNM Party will reject the bill. However, the mentally disturbed Butler-Turner has said she will go solo supporting the Christie PLP  government on the bill – a decision which will anger FNMs – who may call for her resignation.

BP is certain the MP, who is scheduled for treatment, when the Stem Cell vote comes –  despite her pronouncements – will not come to Parliament.

We report yinner decide!