Chaos in Abaco as RBDF MARINES starve with little food and no proper bathroom facilities – NO PLAN!….


Ministry of Finance has denied to marines their due Hardship Pay for their service in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian!

Defence Force Officers sleeping on the ground on crates in Marsh Harbour.
Capt. Tellis Bethel, Commander Defence Force.

ABACO| There is madness in Abaco this morning as BP can confirm Royal Bahamas Defence Force officers are starving, thanks to the government.

BP can confirm some 100 to 120 Royal Bahamas Defence Force Marines are starving in Marsh Harbour where they are now being deployed to clean up and keep the peace following Hurricane Dorian.

In a BP exclusive investigation, the officers who are deployed on the ground are experiencing serious and dangerous levels of starvation.

Some officers are getting one meal, while some others are not getting any. WHAT IS THIS?

In addition to this, marines are under the harshest conditions where there is no electricity, no proper water, no bathroom facilities and/or place to properly sanitize themselves after a day in the hot sun. WHAT IS THIS?!

Additionally, BP is learning the United States Teams on the ground have offered the Defence Force tent facilities for the desperate marines, but the High Command of the Defence Force has refused.

The US offered a completely built tent community, a complete base for our officers, which included: a barbershop, kitchen, laundry, beds, but the Bahamas Government has refused, hoping that they can claim the facility when the US leaves. The Jamaican Defence Force, we understand, has accepted that assistance from the US and has better conditions than the RBDF marines. WELL, WAIT – COMPLETE FAILURE BY THE MINNIS GOVERNMENT!

The Jamaican Defence Base set up by the US GOVERNMENT and the Bahamas Government. The team has full facilities in Abaco.

Meanwhile, RBDF officers had to put their own funds together to purchase washing and dryer machines to share with their brothers on the ground. WHAT IS THIS? The washing machines were necessary for the upkeep of uniforms and the general good health of the marines! But who cares?

Additionally, we can report RBDF marines are returning from Marsh Harbour to Nassau with various serious medical issues. Delivering hard work and securing facilities while being left undernourished – this state of affairs cannot continue.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Finance has denied to marines their due Hardship Pay for their service in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian. Hardship pay is a documented item in the Public Service Agreement for deployment into islands in times of national disaster and crisis. In addition to this, members of the RBDF have not had one salary increase in more than 15 years! Where is the media on this? Why are they all quiet while this happens to the men and women who are sacrificing their lives, their comfort and safety on the frontlines of this country?

Washer and dryer bought by RBDF Marines own funds to keep clean on Abaco.

BP can also report the Bahamas Government has appointed Commander Dr. Raymond E. King as Deputy Commander of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF) and we hope that something is done about these distressing, deplorable conditions.

Last month Bahamas Press reported the sudden passing of Marine Scott Eugene Wallace who passed away on an emergency services flight as he was airlifted out of Abaco. He was stationed under these serious conditions.

Bahamas Press wants to send our salute to the brave men and women of all our armed forces: the police, the RBDF, the Prison Services, Customs and Immigration Services. AS YOU FIGHT AND SERVE OUR COUNTRY WE AT BP WILL FIGHT FOR YOU! We will not stand silent and let this “wutless” government in The Bahamas diminish or reduce your committed service to this country!

We report yinner decide!

Location for Defence Force in March Harbour.


  1. Wow! Corruption is unreal these days. And not only in the bahamas. The government has probably collected over a billion already…..but what is being done? Looks like nothing. I am a outsider looking in from Illinois in the states and i am constantly checking news but find nothing new. But I could be wrong. Im not checking constantly for bad news but im always checking for survival stories. I have faith in god and I am always hoping to see the stories where people are being saved, or have survived, or progress is being made! But it doesn’t seem to be the case! My family and I are very appaled by your governments efforts. It seems as if no one is doing anything. But there are always those that stand up and fight and i have noticed that about the bahamian people. You all can and will recover. We know the U.S. has helped alot and other nations as well.I know If we had extra money we would be there to help as well. One thing my family and i can send from here in illinois is prayers and compassion for those in a time of need. It might not sound like much but the power of prayer and having love for fellow human beings is a trait that ALL should share. With love and prayers from the Weissert family

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