Christie chased out of Gambier House as angry PLP mob booed the weaken leader


christie-ingraham-1<<< We could hear Hubert telling Christie, “Go Perry, I’ll take care of you. Go my brudda.”

Nassau, Bahamas — Frightened by an angry mob of PLP supporters who gathered outside Gambier House last night, Perry Christie, Glenys Hanna-Martin and Obie Wilchcombe were all booed as they left the PLP headquarters. Last night’s huge gathering of angry PLP supporters was the first sign of CHANGE happening inside the PLP.

On Wednesday Christie floated the plan to file motions at the NGC meeting attempting to block Paul Moss, BJ Nottage and Fred Mitchell from entering the race for Leader of the Party. Christie we now know possessed NOT A SINGLE GRAIN OF COURAGE to move his HITLER/KKK COMMUNIST motions, but rather spew his bitter intent on ZNS and other mediums.

Well Christie, last night was your perfect opportunity to “MAN UP!” What happened? Cat stole your tongue? DAMN PUSSY CAT!

BP sources inside the room of the meeting noted that Stalwarts from across the country were in attendance. Many conveyed to Christie and Hanna-Martin that what they were attempting to do and continue to do to the Party was ILLEGAL, UNCONSTITUTIONAL and UNDEMOCRATIC!

“How could leaders of the PLP in this modern Bahamas seek to gag its voters, gag its MPs and now gag its future leaders from having the chance to run for office in the Party? Christie should hang his head down in shame and should resign immediately! Is this still the Party of MILO, Pindling and Hanna? Is this still the party of free speech? Or have we turned so far back that the UBP is running PLP?” a stalwart told BP.

Christie ran scared after BP challenged him yesterday to proceed with the motion. We warned if his motions had passed Thursday night, we early Friday morning would file a Stay of Elections in the Supreme Court and stop the UNDEMOCRATIC ELECTIONS FROM TAKING PLACE AT THE PLP Convention.

Bahamas Press warns Christie that after nomination day he will once again make history. He became the first one-term Prime Minister in the history of the Bahamas and in 13 Days [October 22nd], he will become the first leader of the PLP to be kicked out of office. [ Free BP Anniversary Phonecard PIN: 3449 7761 5587]

As the online newspaper, TCIJOURNAL.COM, took out-of-power Michael Misik – Obie Wilchcombe’s CORRUPT COUSIN – in the Turks and Caicos Islands, so will Bahamas Press remove the entire leadership of the PLP at this month’s convention.


  1. the young people show an interest and look at what happens character assination and condescending talk bully tatics ..but thats politics you need tough skin nah the problem with the young upstarts is that they seeking to renovate a house with people in it who have a lifetime interest in possession very hard for them to oust the old guard.answer start ya own show get a track record show the courage of ya convictions./..ya see its the same point where the homosexuals fell in seeking to overturn marriage its between a man and a women anything else is something else..similiar ya in the plp you have to use the rules therein no use crying bout unfair and dictator get ya funds get ya people and lead from the front instead of hijacking somone old boat which will eventually retire anyway

  2. @Objective Thought
    This nonsense has been going on not only with Pauper and Banister it is a shame what they are trying to do to support their boy! But you talked about that a long time ago and you know once Obie get elected he will undermine PC and he and his friend will then take over the party and the leadership. trust me you called it a long time ago and I just couldn’t believe that. PC will win , he knows who his real friends are so he better start appreciating them and stop hanging out with bad company!!

  3. BP, the vast majority of readers of this story agree that you outdid yourself in creating yet again, another piece of fiction. When you take a break from blowing smoke up your own butt, you will notice that the joke these days is on you. In 50 years, nobody will care about this ridiculous story and certainly nobody will care about you.

  4. @Russell Johnson
    Forget Phil Galanis for now… He has got his own agenda and I do believe that he will offer for the leadership position, not this time but in due time…

    If anyone listened to the news last night, they would have heard that PC appointed a committee to look into those persons who feel as though they have been wronged by not being allowed to be delegates… PC has appointed Paul Adderley to head that group.. So if anyone feels like they have been wronged by the chairlady and Mrs. Zonicle, then they could call up Mr. Adderley and have it look into and dealt with!! So Pauper and Banister could hopefully get their just due!! They both supported PC but they supported Brave as deputy so it seems like the chairlady is looking out for Obie and not PC!!! I have made my stands on this issue well known!!

    Paul Moss is working the people on the islands because they are more likely to give him a chance than the ones here in New Providence.. Troy Garvey was campaigning hard on thursday night for Paul but from what I could see the vast majority of persons there were saying, “WHO IS PAUL MOSS???? TELL HIM TO PICK A NUMBER AND GO TO THE BACK OF THE LINE (WAYYY BACK) IF HE WANTS TO BE LEADER!!”

    Paul aint gat a chance!!! Someone told me that BJ held a press conference to announce his leadership bid on thursday but I did not see or hear anything on any news station so I am hard pressed to not believe that… Did anyone else hear anything about BJ’s launch???

  5. @Russell Johnson
    I agree with you on Paul Moss Russell, but Christie initially did seem quite upset that he was being challenged it is only now with all this attention that he is saying something else. I do not think there is anyone who can beat him right now, however my bigger beef is what is going on with the rest of the races and I feel that Chrisite could do something about it. The persons who are doing it are not really that supportive of him and he would known that even though now they playing like they are. The unfortunate thing is that a person can win and only because of cheating they would have won, what then happens to others who lost can they come and say their parties has cheaters. This should have been nipped in the bud long time ago and there is where my problem with Christie lies, he just does not take action and it just makes the problem escalate .

  6. I have sat back and digested all of the comments and have come to the conclusion that the different processes in the PLP are democratic and council members have voices.Weas a people cry out for democracy and when it is allowed we get very upset.In todays Tribune Mr Christie has stated that he is against any move to thwart Paul Moss running against him.So now whats the big deal?Obviously Mr Christie is more democratic than any of us on this blog.Christie haters forget about it as he aint going anywhere and asd i have stated weeks ago paul Moss will be lucky to get 50 votes.I see where Paul Moss has shown dissatisfaction against some comments Mr Christie made on radio interviews but those comments are not against moss who is not a member of Parliament.Those in the Parliamentary tgroup who wish to run against the Opposition Leader should have stated their dissatisfaction by now and not try to be like a thief in the night.Hubert Ingraham said two yrs ago when he was appointed Leader of the FNM that everyone had to fall in line bcos he was not going to have any wolf in sheep clothing in the FNM.So whats the problem with Christie stating the same thing?Either you are PLP or ?

  7. @media
    Media perhaps you might have sensationalized what happened at the meeting but at the end of the day you were right. PC and his crew were trying to block challengers to the Leadership and they floated the resolutions in the press, when he saw that even some of his own supporters would have been upset he decided not to bother with it. For the life of me I cannot understand why he is afraid of any challenger, he will win but it shows just how weak he is. I have been disgusted by the stories from credible persons of what is going on with this races. They are trying every manner of things to corrupt the process, stories of meetings being stalled out so that a certain candidate can get there to bring his people, incidents of family island delegates being told that the chairman or other official can’t travel there to hold election of delegates, thus disenfranchising them, recent cases of one person who is a known supporter of a particular candidate and friend being contacted and told to select the delegates instead of actually allowing the branch do this, just to name a few. The EMR fiasco where the police had to be called in because a person known to be a supporter again of this same candidate but not a member of the branch being allowed to nominate as a delegate. Outright corruption, how can the PLP ever be seen as anything other than corrupt! PC is in charge he should take control but he doesn’t, he likes chaos for some reason. Obie as chairman is speaking at the convention before the election but not allowing any of the other candidates to speak, he is using his position as chairman to have an unfair advantage over the rest whilst Ken Dorsett as vice chairman not allowed to conduct elections because he is running for office, but the chairman continues to hold election even though she is seeking re-election. This is unreal!! Integrity, the PLP has none or so it seems. So sad, because they could be a viable alternative to the FNM. You think they will ever purge themselves of these people!

  8. @media
    because the sheep need a shepherd, it seems like the shepherd is actually a wolf in disguise. Watch out you sheep!!!!!! Trust me, the thing that will be said in the books about Christie is that he over saw the end of the PLP.

  9. WOW! :
    This story is another in a series of continuous lies. Council can not make any of the changes you wrote about anyway. Changes to the party constitution can only be made at the CONVENTION.
    Speaking of “man up”,tell your boy Paul to man up. He was like a lamb in council last night, which is not strange cause he never says a word in there. I also noticed that his biggest and loudest supporter, Laura has left his side and had some choice words for him last night. Jokes.

    Call it lies all you want, but when a student of history reads the papers and this blog 50 years from now, they would read where Christie and his VICKED PLP attempted to corrupt the democratic processes in the PLP!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  10. mashup :
    boy BP, I ain’t no Christie supporter, but u kinda runnin out with this one.

    You ain’t no Christie support? Then tell me how in the HELL you can support that kind of VICKEDNESS he’s allowing in the Party? I mean how could PLPs agree of the things going down with this delegate election process?

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  11. I think its time for a change. I am tired of the PLP and the FNM. they are both lame. The FNM has done absolutely nothing for the Black Bahamian people since they came into power and the PLP can’t do nothing for themselves much less the Bahamian people. They need to restructure, rebuild and then reassure themselves and the people of the Bahamas that they can govern without being CROOKED. I am afraid that this is impossible for both parties. They are both WUTLESS.I am a young Bahamian and I have lost faith in all our Political parties. I doubt I will vote next time. I can’t vote PLP with the state they are in and I won’t vote FNM because they are not looking out for anyone but themselves and white Bahamian and those with money.

  12. Well BP my friend in Andros say Picewell introduce BJ in Andros at a meeting as running for Leader and that he and Obie are running as a ticket. Lord Obie trick PC again. So will you guys now be supporting the BJ/Obie ticket?

  13. Examiner :
    @red blooded
    Allyson has no base. She let a newcomer beat her. She is dead in the PLP.

    Allyson lost her seat because she got lazy during her campaining and will tell you privatley that if she could do it over again she would do some things differently leading up to that election.

    But have no fear, Pinewood will return to the PLP fold in 2012 along with Kennedy, Sea Breeze and Blue Hills. Mark that. If they pick up more seats, thats gravy. As i have stated before, all The PLP has to do is hold on to there current seats, which is very likely (except for Fox Hill, that will be a fight), pick up those main 4 seats and they will retain the government.

    For all the doom and gloom BP does post, the PLP didnt lose in a blow out. They are 4 seats shy of retaining the government. They are in a better position now than what they were in in 2002.

    Trust me the FNM establishment are worried about 2012. They know they are going to loose a seats in 2012. The magic number for the PLP is 4.

  14. Examiner :
    The word I am getting is that the stalwarts are now closing ranks behind Christie …

    I have been saying the same thing for weeks on this site. The closer to convention, the more the voting delegates will line up behind PC. They know he is the best shot the PLP has to retake the government in 2012.

    For this same reason, you see others like Fred, Bernard and BP’s “dark horse” (notice how BP dont talk much about that “dark horse” no more) are not so eager to jump into the race. Why? They see where the voting delegates are going – Behind PC.

    Paul Moss saw the anger and disgruntleness of PLP’s, and in his political naiveness listened to some people who hate PC and who didnt have Paul Moss’ best political interest at heart and pushed him to challenge PC.


    Paul thought he was striking when the iron was hot but what he forgot was that over time hot irons cool down and regain their strength. Emotions has subsided and those same people who was making noise are now thinking again and are falling in line behind PC. Paul Moss is now left holding the bag. i personally feel sorry for him.

    Paul should have done what Fred, Bernard and BP’s “dark horse” is doing: surveying the land several weeks before convention. Now is the time you make your calls and see where folks heads are at. And from Bernard’s and Fred’s non action, they know PC will be re-elected as PC. They are seeing they dont have the support.

    Paul Moss is pooping in his pants right now because with 12 days to go to convention he is realizing that he misread the political tea leaves and is about to damage his young political career. Fred, Bernard and others are political pros, they know not to listen to the noise in the market.


    Examiner :
    BP is now moderating my comments.

    He does it to me often, so welcome to the club.

  15. @Examiner
    Examiner, never say never. Look at all the surprises we have recently been getting. Never say never my brother. In any event you want Allyson in the party if she walks away and joins the FNM there goes the base. Either a new party will spawn out of the PLP or BDM will become the official opposition. You have to live and let die. Dont be afraid of the future.

  16. red blooded :@Examiner
    @ExaminerIs there not an FNM MP named Maynard? I can tell you that they are a close nit bunch. Either Allyson or Glenys can easily cross the party line. Dont forget these are 2nd generation well to do Bahamians, between the 2 of them they bring a lot of capital to the table. They can make the switch and people in their family will love them all the same.

    Maynards are “all for me”, we Hannas have priciples. It will never happen. Midge had reason to step down based on those principles, but he never left the party.

  17. @Examiner

    Is there not an FNM MP named Maynard? I can tell you that they are a close nit bunch. Either Allyson or Glenys can easily cross the party line. Dont forget these are 2nd generation well to do Bahamians, between the 2 of them they bring a lot of capital to the table. They can make the switch and people in their family will love them all the same.

  18. BP is now moderating my comments. BP, You and your co-conspirators will be in for the shock of your lives. Christie will run the gamut and turn the tables on the “cotton Candy” hackers and parasites. We ga roll em out. We then count heads BP, we gat the numbers.

  19. BP let them know that know about the bridge you have for sale too. They look like they will believe anything you say. Can I get a commission?

  20. red blooded :@ExaminerI beg you stop them before they kill some body. I warned that this would get out of hand, if what BP is saying is true, and I am actually inclined to believe him, we are half a step from political violence filling our city.

    The truth is not in BP. This story is a figment of his overactive mind. BP needs rest before he goes beyond the delusional to the sublime.

  21. red blooded :
    I beg you stop them before they kill some body. I warned that this would get out of hand, if what BP is saying is true, and I am actually inclined to believe him, we are half a step from political violence filling our city.

    You can’t be that gullible too?

  22. Dibbles :
    It appears as if the PLP had a well attended meeting? did the Police had to be called in,from reading this site it appears as if this meeting was heated.

    You can’t be that gullible?

  23. @Examiner
    I beg you stop them before they kill some body. I warned that this would get out of hand, if what BP is saying is true, and I am actually inclined to believe him, we are half a step from political violence filling our city.

  24. WOW! :
    I have lost a lot of respect for you in recent times BP.

    And we have LOST the same for CHRISTIE, HANNA-MARTIN. They should hang their heads down in SHAME! Look what they have brought the PLP to. COMMUNIST!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  25. It appears as if the PLP had a well attended meeting? did the Police had to be called in,from reading this site it appears as if this meeting was heated.

  26. The turth is not in you,lier lier pants on fire.BP you are so going to lose your regular readers to this site.

    • We were not just there, but we saw the PUSSY CAT back down! He red and he SCARED! ROLLOUT! CHRISTIE, ROLLOUT!

  27. Media: You called Christie getting booed running out?

    BP, if he was booed why are you the only media house talking about it.
    If this was true, the Tribune would have had this story in the front page in bold captions. Wait, let me guess, the Tribune, Guardian, ZNS, JCN, and Cable 12 were not situated where you were to hear the boos. Yeah right.

    Truth be told, you was the only one who heard boos.

    B O L

    Ah lord, look like BP hearing things. The pressure of PC returning as leader getting to you already?

    Come convention night and PC is returned as leader, not only will your head be swinging, but ya belly will be rumbling. Dont worry though BP, i done buy you some pampers, depends undergarments and a big 40oz of Pepto Bismol.

  28. I wonder…will MEDIA, go on a “witch hunt” just like the PUNCH, TRIBUNE and GUARDIAN, to discredit PC, when election time comes? Because, if MEDIA does, then it will certainly be just “more of the same” ! Media, please rememder that change must first begin within me or you! We have to learn to “let go” and be prepared to embrace, “CHANGE”…..Can’t just talk abou it, especially in a “spiteful” way! That is just “more of the same”…! Right now, all I can see, is rationality being lost by MEDIA (need some serious help)!

  29. i was there last nite until about 10.20 i saw when obie left there were no boos Martin didnt get booed nor christie I love to read BP but this is utter nonsense and lies BP

  30. Examiner :
    The word I am getting is that the stalwarts are now closing ranks behind Christie and intend to send a strong message to these political “Hackers, parasites and cotton candy politicians” as Leslie Miller so aptly decribed them. As a Stalwart, I am going all the way with Christie.

    I know, I was there, unlike BP who is turning out to be the Bahamian Mother Goose. Pure fantasies and fabrication.

  31. Why should he table a motion? How could he block anyone from entering the race? He just needs to wait until the convention and win the leadership again. The outcome should look like this :

    LEADER – Perry Christie

    DEPUTY LEADER – Obie Wilchcombe

    CHAIRPERSON – Glenys Hanna-Martin

    I have no problems with the persons opposing the three I mentioned but at this time they are the better of the bunch to lead the party at this time. BP, you may try your hardest to bring Mr. Chritie down but you will fall short. You sound a little disgrunted about something. Do you support the PLP but afraid your chosen three doesn’t have a chance to win so you lead a propaganda page? In the end I hope we ALL as PLPs come together and win the next general election, honestly I believe this country will be beyond repair if the FNM wins again………..

    Thank God…BP does NOT, have a vote! I have been reading this post (which I had respected in the beginning) with disgust! When I read deep into “media’s” reporting, and “feel” ALL the bitterness and contentions…I want to just “vomit”, ’cause it certainly ain’t professional – but personal! Media, isn’t no better than Mugabe! I thought that this post would be different..and bring change, but instead, it is just a “step above” the PUNCH ! I might as well start buying the punch again – but thank God I am not that shallow! We will see who delivers,because they(“Media”) in it’s “witch hunt” of PC -has “promised that they will succeed..(lol)..(lol)

  33. @Naomi
    Naomi, I hope you are not like the Naomi in the bible story of Ruth and Naomi. I believe you are in the same bat cave as BP. Come out and see the light. Christie will leave when Christie wants to leave. You and BP have no vote and I repeat –no vote in the PLP.

  34. @WOW!
    The word I am getting is that the stalwarts are now closing ranks behind Christie and intend to send a strong message to these political “Hackers, parasites and cotton candy politicians” as Leslie Miller so aptly decribed them. As a Stalwart, I am going all the way with Christie.

  35. BP, You continue to spread lies and vickedness. You worse than Mugabe. We will deal with the punks. They need to “Man Up”. Cool PC is strong and we will notlet you distract us from the mission. We will deal with you and the others after convention including the boy with the girl name. Watch for it BP. It coming. Christie all the way. The storm is over now. We gat the head count BP. I hope your 4 horsemen can withstand the onslaught. Mount up, we taking your out. Off with their heads Christie.

  36. This story is another in a series of continuous lies. Council can not make any of the changes you wrote about anyway. Changes to the party constitution can only be made at the CONVENTION.

    Speaking of “man up”,tell your boy Paul to man up. He was like a lamb in council last night, which is not strange cause he never says a word in there. I also noticed that his biggest and loudest supporter, Laura has left his side and had some choice words for him last night. Jokes.

  37. @media
    They got scared, these resolutions were reported in the newspapers as well, so look like all of you press people were on the same page this time. I think the court threat scared them. I hear they were calling up the people they been trying to keep info from and trying to make nice! Bunch of cowards. FNM really looking good, Hubert really looking good, because one thing you can say for HI whether he right or wrong he does Man Up!!

  38. Altec :
    @Objective Thought
    Like i said, OT, there is the truth, lies and then Bahamas Press exaggerated view on things. the truth will come out and it wont look like anything BP reported.
    By now everyone knows BP’s game! Give him a mole hill and he will make a mountain out of it.
    This website is pure entertainment and comedy!

    ONE thing is certain, Bahamas Press knows how to call a rallying crowd. You say we are game? Well, one thing is certain, you love this game! MAN UP! Tell Christie pass that HITLER MOTION IF HE BAD!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  39. Objective Thought :

    Altec :
    BP, there is the truth, lies and then Bahamas Press exaggerated take on things. I am not surprised at your reporting because you always inflate things to make them seem worse than they are when it comes down to PC.
    Not only that, but you are taking credit for the motions not being brought up? Jokes!MAny people may read your blog, but that doesnt translate into influence. Sorry to burst your bubble.
    By your own reporting, you wasnt even in the room and the fact is that your using quotes from people in this story who are obviously of the same opinion as you. You mean to tell me you couldnt find no one else with a different opinion to get there perspective? Where is the balance?
    What really happen will come out, and i bet it will be totally different from your exaggerated reporting, as usually.

    Altec, you are 100% right!! I was there before 7pm and I left just before 10pm… PC was still in the building dealing with the news reporters.. But I was there when Obie came out and I did not hear one boo so that’s an outright LIE… All I saw Obie getting is lots of hugs and kisses..
    Then later Mrs Martin came out and she did not get one boo!! All she got was hugs and kisses also!! She walked around talking to different people before she finally left….
    I recorded Paul with his group of about 15 people from St. Cecilia!! They were very respectful and quiet because they know that they were seriously OUTNUMBERED!!! Only Omar Archer and one other person who support Paul were making noise but Omar left before the meeting was over!!!
    I even saw Witney Bastian (former MP for South Andros) there… He was the first person to greet PC!!! So BP is spreading some serious LIES in this post!!

    Christie, Hanna-Martin and Wilchcombe were all booed as they left Gambier House. Yall so shame that ya VICKED motion died in right in ya hands. Someone would soon try suggest there was no meeting! MAN UP! Pass that motion if ya bad. Christie, Hann-Martin and Wilchcombe should hang their heads down in SHAME for thinking of such ‘VICKEDNESS’! ALL THEY KNOW HOW TO DO IS GAG, STALL and Create CHAOS!

    But they will soon find out who run the PLP, 12 more days to kick them all out! CHANGE IS COMING TO THE PLP! Christie START PACKING, WE COMING FOR YOU! MAN UP, PASS THAT MOTION IF YA BAD!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  40. Altec :
    @Objective Thought
    Like i said, OT, there is the truth, lies and then Bahamas Press exaggerated view on things. the truth will come out and it wont look like anything BP reported.
    By now everyone knows BP’s game! Give him a mole hill and he will make a mountain out of it.
    This website is pure entertainment and comedy!

    Let me advice you Altec what Mrs Christie [JR] said on Bahamas Press yesterday. She said, “Yes, there is a meeting for tonight. That part is true. Yes, Mr. Christie has said that the idea of sneaking into the leadership race or new comers walking into the party with nothing to show and deciding to run for leadership will be something they discuss. None of this is secret.”

    So could someone please tell me what happened to the man who coined the phrase “MAN UP”? What happened to his resolution? Did he see all those people BP called to protest at Gambier House last night? We’re TAKING NO PRISONERS, CHRISTIE WILL BE GONE!!!!! BP will see to that!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  41. mashup :
    boy BP, I ain’t no Christie supporter, but u kinda runnin out with this one.

    You called Christie getting booed running out? Man UP! LOL! They run scared, CHANGE IS COMING TO THE PLP! ALL the leadership WILL BE REMOVED! MARK OUR WORDS! MAN UP!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  42. @Objective Thought
    Like i said, OT, there is the truth, lies and then Bahamas Press exaggerated view on things. the truth will come out and it wont look like anything BP reported.

    By now everyone knows BP’s game! Give him a mole hill and he will make a mountain out of it.

    This website is pure entertainment and comedy!

  43. Altec :
    BP, there is the truth, lies and then Bahamas Press exaggerated take on things. I am not surprised at your reporting because you always inflate things to make them seem worse than they are when it comes down to PC.
    Not only that, but you are taking credit for the motions not being brought up? Jokes!MAny people may read your blog, but that doesnt translate into influence. Sorry to burst your bubble.
    By your own reporting, you wasnt even in the room and the fact is that your using quotes from people in this story who are obviously of the same opinion as you. You mean to tell me you couldnt find no one else with a different opinion to get there perspective? Where is the balance?
    What really happen will come out, and i bet it will be totally different from your exaggerated reporting, as usually.

    Altec, you are 100% right!! I was there before 7pm and I left just before 10pm… PC was still in the building dealing with the news reporters.. But I was there when Obie came out and I did not hear one boo so that’s an outright LIE… All I saw Obie getting is lots of hugs and kisses..

    Then later Mrs Martin came out and she did not get one boo!! All she got was hugs and kisses also!! She walked around talking to different people before she finally left….

    I recorded Paul with his group of about 15 people from St. Cecilia!! They were very respectful and quiet because they know that they were seriously OUTNUMBERED!!! Only Omar Archer and one other person who support Paul were making noise but Omar left before the meeting was over!!!

    I even saw Witney Bastian (former MP for South Andros) there… He was the first person to greet PC!!! So BP is spreading some serious LIES in this post!!

  44. BP, there is the truth, lies and then Bahamas Press exaggerated take on things. I am not surprised at your reporting because you always inflate things to make them seem worse than they are when it comes down to PC.

    Not only that, but you are taking credit for the motions not being brought up? Jokes!MAny people may read your blog, but that doesnt translate into influence. Sorry to burst your bubble.

    By your own reporting, you wasnt even in the room and the fact is that your using quotes from people in this story who are obviously of the same opinion as you. You mean to tell me you couldnt find no one else with a different opinion to get there perspective? Where is the balance?

    What really happen will come out, and i bet it will be totally different from your exaggerated reporting, as usually.

  45. What I find so strange BP is Hanna Martin and Obie are now so friendly with PC when just a couple months ago they were plotting his political demise, it has been no secret that those two wanted to take over and definitely felt that PC should go and in fact they told several persons that he needed to go. But I see what is going on here, they figure they now need PC for their political survival. Oh what a tangle web you weave when you set out to deceive, the PLP will be better off without those jokers!

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