Adrian “juvenile” Gibson, via directives through his General Manager, is running WSC into chaos and into the ground! PM MINNIS has never visited Water and Sewerage – WHY?

NASSAU| Bahamas Press believes the Water and Sewerage Corporation is being run in a dangerous manner in order to have the Corporation privatized.
Bahamas Press believes Executive Chairman Adrian “juvenile” Gibson, via directives through his General Manager, is running WSC into the ground!
WSC has no Human Resources Manager in office. It has no Internal Control and Compliance Manager in place. And he recently separated the Corporation from the services of its Chief Finance Officer. Who is watching the purse at WSC?
We can also add senior managers with years of experience and training have been shuffled into departments where their skillsets and training are wasted.
We can also report the WSC leadership has decided to leave major islands with limited talents, like in Abaco where a 27-year-old with very few years of experience is in charge. Abaco, in particular, has no resident service manager. Smaller islands are being managed by servicemen! Well, what is this?
We can tell you the one manager who is resisting his movement within the Corporation is Management Union President Montgomery Miller, the only manager at WSC trained with a new system to guide online vendors with the Corporation. Hundreds of persons do business with WSC and yet the executive management seeks to disrupt the persons trained to deal with these vendors. WHY?
And we say all this to ask some questions: Could it be that the Minnis Administration is desirous to allow the “juvenile” to run WSC into the ground?
Could the intent be to allow the WSC, an essential service, to be whipped into chaos?
Could it be the case that there is a bold attempt by this administration to shutdown the whole corporation and deliver it into private hands?
Could there be a plan afoot by the Minnis Government to SELL the WATER AND SEWERAGE CORPORATION and send home Bahamians, as it has done before with BTC?
And why, just why, in the past three years Hubert Minnis Prime Minister of the Bahamas, with all the confusion, conundrum and concerns at the WSC with the “juvenile”, has not one day visited the operations at the main office?
Anyway, we ga keep reporting and let yinner decide!