Education paying more retirees to work at Parliamentary Registrar…

Minister of Education Hon. Jeffery Lloyd.

NASSAU| Your Bahamas Press is right now being updated on the fact that former principal of Government High School, Mr. GREGORY MCPHEE, is still being paid on a contract and vacation pay to remain on staff at Parliamentary Registration Department.

Following the 2017 General Elections, Education handed McPhee his juicy contract to stay in the system. 

He is right now working overtime at the Parliamentary Registration Office getting the Voter’s Register ready. 

But get this: public servants who normally work the Registration Department for an election have been returned to their various Government Ministries.

All I ga tell Minnis is this: We hope Gregory McPhee dem can help him. We ga leave it there for now.

BP…now deep in the Parliamentary Registration Office combing through the register. And, if we tell ya something, Trust Us … we know…

We report yinner decide!