Farrakhan humbled by the warm welcome to the Bahamas by Peter Nygard and the Bahamian people…


When will the Tribune report what was really discussed by Minister Louis Farrakhan in the Bahamas?

Minister Farrakhan celebrated Peter Nygard's love for the Bahamian people.

Nassau, Bahamas — There is no surprise when you read the Tribune these days and come across the paper’s whutless dutty diatribe against members of the community.

Today, the newspaper took a hit out against fashion mogul Peter Nygard in an attempt to conclude that Nation of Islam Leader Minister Louis Farrakhan, who has been in town all this week, did not fancy the cultural celebration put on by Peter Nygard.

The Tribune’s commentary – far from the truth as usual – never mentioned Farrakhan’s pronouncements on Clifton, which is back in the news.

Clifton Heritage, which is in western New Providence, was much-fought-over land prior to the 2002 General Elections. It was then that the Bahamas National Trust and the Ingraham Government made a decision to have the property, which hold the traces of three civilizations, to be destroyed and a newly gated community created in the area.

Farrahkan all this week reminded the Bahamians at COB and at the meeting at the Hilton why it is important to preserve such heritage and never allow revisionists to take credit for what is ours.

His comments came after an American Southerner and Lyford Cay resident, claimed to have saved Clifton when he received an award from New York’s Audubon Society.

The Southerner told the society that he led the fight for Clifton, making no mention of the real heros like Keod Smith, Nicki Kelly, Sam Duncombe, C. B. Moss and Vivian Whylly – all of whom led a national drive to save Clifton.

They eventually won and today Clifton is protected for generations, held in the trust for the Bahamian people.

What is also interesting is the fact that the Tribune made no mention of the events now underway between Nygard and Farrahkan to assist in the preservation of that Bahamian identity and history.

Fashion mogul Peter Nygard celebrated by Louis Farrakhan.

By some imagination of someone at the morning daily, they decided to grab on line where Minister Farrakhan claimed he was surprised by the fanfare given to him by the warm people of these islands – and then twisted the story to suit their hidden agenda.

Sometimes we wonder when will the two-cent editorial prostitutes of the national rag sheet simply report truth and fact – as they should be doing?

We wonder when will they cover the real story behind Mr. Farrakhan’s visit and share his protestations against real land grabbers like those “Southerners” in our midst – who would block an entire roadway up so residents cannot get to their homes.

We wonder when will the Tribune begin reporting truth?

Isn’t it amazing that Minister Farrakhan has been in the Bahamas all week, sharing and talking to young people in the Bahamas, and yet the entire press is mute?

We wonder why is that? Has someone paid them to be quiet?

Perhaps they will soon tell us what the agenda of the Bahamas National Trust is now that a Bacon relative has given the organization a whopping $150,000 donation…

Things that make you go Hmmmmmm.



The $150,000 grant presented by Zack Bacon III on behalf of his brother Louis Bacon's charitable Moore Bahamas Foundation has enabled the Bahamas National Trust to hire consultant Jared Dillet to head the conch conservation campaign. Pictured (from L to R) are: Jared Dillet, Marine Resources Campaign Coordinator, BNT; Neil McKinney, President, BNT; Zack H. Bacon III, Managing Director, Moore Capital Management and Eric Carey, Executive Director, BNT. Photo by Wendell J. Cleare.
Zack Bacon Jr., the son of Zack Bacon III, presented BNT President Neil McKinney with a cheque for $50,000 on Friday night at a reception at the Retreat (which concluded BNT's successful National Natural History Conference). The Moore Bahamas Foundation, started by Louis Bacon, is giving the Trust a total of $150,000 over the next three years in support of their conch conservation campaign. Photo by Wendell J. Cleare.