FNM Candidate on Cat Island assists wife beater released…

Felicia Knowles delivering fear amount the residents of Cat Island.

CAT ISLAND| Bahamas Press is now concerned with the ROYAL BAHAMAS POLICE FORCE on how it took the advice of a sitting Cabinet Minister to release a wife beater back into the community on Cat Island.

The suspect, who had disfigured his wife in a violent attack a few days ago, forcing her to flee and take shelter, got his relative – who is the FNM candidate Felicia Knowles – to make contact with a sitting Cabinet Minister to have him released from police arrest by 4pm today.

Bahamas Press is now concerned with the kind of abuse of power that is being exercised by these political hacks deep within the FNM! How could you ask the police to release and or drop a violent abuser and ignore a complaint by a woman who in fear of her life could loose her life? WHAT IS THIS?!

Bahamas Press is calling on COP Paul Rolle to look into this and quickly return the peace back into the community! THIS IS WRONG! Ms KNOWLES you are starting off wrong!