FNM There is No Conflict between the Leader and Chairman


Statement by the FNM

Pintard's house under construction on Grand Bahamas.
Pintard’s house under construction on Grand Bahamas.

Mr. Michael Pintard former Chairman of The Free National Movement recently resigned as Chairman and Senator following a vicious assault by the PLP on his reputation and that of the FNM party after videos surfaced in which Peter Nygard asserted that he contributed millions of dollars to the governing PLP Party last election campaign 2012 with expectation of certain promises being fulfilled.

By resigning, Mr.Pintard followed the honourable path so as to ensure that the baseless allegations made against him by the PLP and others would not be a source of distraction for our FNM Party as we seek to replace the PLP and create a new and better Bahamas. We fully expect that the vicious accusations against Mr. Pintard will in time be shown to be completely false and politically motivated.

Despite having done the honourable thing and resigned so as to address the rumours and innuendos in the public domain, our former Chairman continues to be the object of a relentless smear campaign, attacks and invasion of his privacy. Among the wide range of lies and false innuendos directed at Mr. Pintard has been the outright lie about the FNM being in conflict with Mr. Pintard concerning financial matters. This is not so and there is absolutely no truth to this suggestion.

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