FNM Thursday Mega Rally Stop, Reviewed & Cancelled!



BREAKING NEWS <<< Leaders of the Free National Movement [FNM] have cancelled their mega rally set for this week THURSDAY!!!!

Bahamas Press has been reliably informed that members of the FNM are operating in a ball of confusion and are tiltering on the point of the delusional!

It was only one week ago PM Ingraham had said the… same about the PLP but whilst the PLP builds momentum the FNM is collapsing flat on their faces in ‘Lizzy’. The signs of defeat!


  1. Papa recognises that his candidate has broken the law on disclosure and is pulling back so that he can withdraw.Besides he is behind and seeing tghings go against him he will announce on Friday that its over for him and Doc Sands.The law is the law and PAPA is involved in too many Court matters right now.Come on PAPA dont let your country down ,show us that you respect the law. 

  2. SO BP is late with this news.. the FNM rally was cancelled since last Thursday after HI spoke at the FNM rally he announced that there will be no rally.. BP you are late with this news.. by the way if you know so much.. can you tell your blind PLP readers what will the FNM be doing on that day instead.. seeing that the FNM is ahead in 9 of the polls in Lizzie by at least 70 or more votes in each… so we take a break to educated ourselves.. so tell us where we will be and what we will be doing.. SHAME ON BP – PLP headquaters central..

    • I don’t know why NCL yinner just love to call us PLP central. BP cannot be PLP for the things we’ve attack them with, however, we support Ryan Pinder and with THRUST THE POWER OF THIS BLOG BEHIND HIM 100%!

      Bahamas Press/Editor

      • Wow! BP NCL jus gave you some vary important information dats were da 700 reg voter in Lizzie that you looking for dey get dem, 10 polling divisions x 70 voters = 700 hey check it out BP 

  3. Ya’ll see the porker in the second row wearind dem glasses? FNM mussy living good to get that big, the avergae man in freeport got hungry belly. This man eatin too good.

  4. HAI specifically said they would be having rallies every week leading up to election…if this one cancelled then somethin’ in the milk ain clean!

    @ WOW – LOL you know HAI wrong fa that lie! Sadly I’m sure some a them set in lizzy believin that…

  5. Don’t believe everything you hear.  HI also say he named Elizabeth Estates after his grandma.

  6. Are you sure BP??? HI says what he means and means what he says…. According to Dr. Duane Sands on Love97 today, the FNM is the best organized political machinery in the Bahamas today and with the FNM at the helm, we are in the best hands!! Just maybe they aint had no rally planned for this week!!I think that they are going to do one next week and one the night before the by-election… The PLP should take note…

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