FNMs in Parliament Block Investigations Into Sexual Slaughter at EMRH



<<< Glenys Hanna-Martin [The Giant Slayer] tells Sea Breeze MP Carl Bethel to sit down in the Parliament last evening, as he argued to the Speaker to not hear the matter. SHAME ON YOU CARL BETHEL, SHAME! RESIGN BETHEL, RESIGN NOW! The PEOPLE OF SEA BREEZE SHOULD BE SHAME OF CARL’s FAILURE TO PROTECT CHILDREN IN THIS COUNTRY! YOU HAVE LET DOWN THE CHILDREN OF THIS COUNTRY!!!!

FNMs Block Hanna-Martin push for an Investigation into EMRH SCHOOL Sex Scandal Part I

FNMs block Hanna-Martin push of an investigation into the EMRH School Sex Scandals Part – 2


Today, PLP Chair Glenys Hanna-Martin stood under an item in Parliament, asking for the appointment of a select committee to began an investigation into the incidents at the Eight Mile Rock High School.

Some three educators are now under investigation at the school for having alleged unlawful sexual intercourse with children. One of the teachers Andre Birbal was paid by the ministry of education and allowed to leave the country whilst he was still under investigation. Carl ‘UNDERNOURISHED’ Bethel was up and down on the floor of the House, sometimes jumping when he was not recognized by the speaker, in his VICKED attempt to block the request from proceeding.

Now what is amazing here is the fact that the FNM government now, at every turn, is attempting to stall an investigation into how so many children were sexually molested at the government school. One child has now committed suicide and another has been flown to New Providence for psychiatric treatment.

We’ve reported where the former art teacher at the school Andre Birbal, has allegedly raped more than 20 boys over an 8 year. Two of the victims, one now with the HIV virus, have stepped forward and reported the incidents to police on Grand Bahama, but initially nothing was done.

Bahamas Press has learned that Birbal operated an afterschool programme funded under the MOE where he lured school boys and engaged in unnatural sex acts, exposing the children to his pedophile friends. Some of those frends included officers in Grand Bahama’s police force and education officers.

First Carl Bethel failed to investigate the incidents, which were reported by the school’s PTA President Troy Garvey back in carl-bethe.jpg2007. Then Bethel failed to block the pedophile from leaving the country. His ministry then paid the teacher after he resigned from the MOE. And now today whilst in the Parliament, the entire Ingraham government denied the request for an investigation to be carried out by a select committee.

Look what WE coming to! Boy, somebody better start packing their bags.

Carl ‘UNDERNOURISHED’ Bethel holding the bible .


  1. It is just so pleasing to see the Andre Birbal’s child molesting issue is finally reaching the HOA. This is something I felt should have been discuss in there sometime ago. Some people believe Glenys may have an ulterior motive, if you ask me all politicians have an ulterior motive. At least she is doing something constructive with hers, now someone is finally representing those young men in parliament and I just want her to be encouraged and continue to fight for justice for those young boys who were abused by that horny, stupid, nasty, sick bastard! Just to hear his name makes my skin crawl.

  2. @media
    It’s a good thing I aint no lawyer!!!

    Actually I did read the post but I just didn’t get/see the connection to the headline!! Now if that constitutes me being or acting like a four year old then more power to you but I prefer to stick to the topic and move away from the personal attacks which you seem to enjoy!!

    I aint the smartest person in the world and don’t understand everything that I read but obviously you do!!

  3. @Objective thought
    You know sometimes OT when I post on here and I see persons like you, WHO DID NOT READ THE POST, BUT attack it, sometimes I must ask myself if I am responding to a four year old. And this is why many times I cannot take the comments to heart, because it is OBVIOUS you never read the POST!

    And you don’t understand what we might have said, BUT you’re attacking it! MY GOODNESS!! Then it leaves us to REPEAT what we posted AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN. This is sad! Joe Blow does the same thing sometimes. But I am learning something here…


    Bahamas Press/Editor

  4. media :@Objective thoughtYou know OT I have been advised on more than one occasion to avoid responding too excessively to silly posts. Where is this headline misleading?
    The Audio is here for everyone to listen to. Was the select committee appointed? The government rejected appointing it! So explain where is that misleading? I mean come on OT. Boy yall PLPs are real CANNIBALS when it comes to those in your party you hate nah.
    Bahamas Press/editor

    Forgive me Media, I see your point now that it is as clear as day!! You are right in saying that they (the FNM) blocked it. See that’s what happens when one doesn’t read with an open mind…. Don’t answer this post… OK!!! You done cuss me out enough!! Moving right along………

  5. @Marley From an email that I received about a group of them in the PLP that are trying to over throw the leaders and seeing them in action, I don’t TRUST nearly half of our PLP team in the HOA!!

    Those who want Glennys to remain as chairlady of the PLP, want the PLP to loose the next election..!! And I also agree with you that others could leave if she remains in that position after the upcoming convention!! Glennys is a DIVIDER despite the good shows that she puts on in parliament!!

  6. @media
    Media I don’t mind the insults, keep them coming!! I prefer to deal with the issues and if there is a way of you pulling up all of my posts, I am sure you would see the reports I have written and they were directed at you so that you could look into them but you never answered any of them.. But now I know why… You did not read them..

    So before you attack me on the issue of not reporting on some of the terrible things that go on in CC, check the record please!!

    There was no video under this topic right? Correct me if I’m wrong… Like I said in a previous post, rather than rambling on with your own opinions, just repeat the facts when there is a new addition to the stories… Remember, you are the one who is always bragging about how much of an increasing number of readers this site gets every month!! What would they think when they read these posts with no evidence in them!!

    While the members/long time readers might know where you are coming from, the new readers would not have a clue so just take the advice and use it wisely even though you consider my post to be silly!! A word to the wise!!

  7. Media: I have attempted to send you articles which you might wish to print but have been unsuccessful. Don’tknow why! Here is the latest. It is somewhat related.

    Why You Are Not Welcome In Coral Harbour South

    For the past few years members of a group, who live an alternative lifestyle, have been wreaking havoc in the otherwise peaceful area of Coral harbour South. We can no longer tolerate their intrusion.

    The people in Coral Harbour are concerned that their beaches are being over-run by an unruly group who have no regard for the residents of the area. On most week-ends they arrive in the early afternoon and begin to set up tents on either private lots on the ocean-front or the Reserved Property belonging to and for the use of the residents. The Reserved property is clearly identified but we have never excluded well-meaning families coming from other areas, using the property. Our sign indicates there is a ban on loud music and a request that all garbage be removed. We have provided a parking area for our guests.

    It is alleged that the invasive group sells food, hard drinks and banned substances. Their loud music disturbs the whole neighbourhood for hours. Residents are blatantly told to leave the area and are threatened if they protest. Gun shots have been heard on occasion. As the numbers swell and the afternoon wears on, the party spills over onto the road and cars are stopped and rocked by these persons. All the signs denoting private property have been torn down. They park their vehicles wherever they please.

    We have asked for on-going police assistance but it often takes several calls before a proper response is made. We are presently asking that that group be banned from this area.

    Let it be known That We Have Had Enough and We Are Not Going To Take It Anymore!

    Media: If this not to your satisfaction please feel free to remove it.

  8. @JR
    You have said it correctly. It’s like she has that ‘old’ PLP victimisation if you oppose me in her blood. I know many people who have been been cussed and insulted so much so that some have left the party. Disappointing is what I say, but then again where there is life there is hope. So we will have to wait and see.

  9. See what a little pushing could do to Media? Now you are responding to what OT said and not throwing in a bunch of crap and drawing far out conclusions. I guess those who advise you against responding to silly posts forgot to tell you that you should stick to the point and not throw out stuff to upset people. That was my beef with you and now you seem to be getting somewhere. With that said, you still have your wires crossed on what us PLPs who oppose the reign of Glenys are saying. You and Russell are touting this gal but you have nothing to show what, as a chairman who’s first job is to see to the day to day operations of the party has done to improve it. She made many promises at the convention that have not been delivered. She has painted targets on many people’s backs in the party and she has been very crude in how she speaks to the people who donate their time and energy for the PLP. I know this because I have too many people saying the same thing. The chairman is supposed to make the branches work. What was her point in trying to mess up things in Marathon and then in St. Cecilia where the police had to be called because she didn’t like what the people were voting for? Why are there still branches of the party that have not opened since May 2007? I hear the PLP has problems paying its bills all over town, why isn’t that being done? Media, this is less for you than it is for Russell but you have to look at those things first before you start talking about her being the best thing since sliced bread. She has been a cannibal when it comes to her leader Russell. Every opportunity to undercut the man, she has used and anyone who supports him or gets in her way get the same treatment. Support her if you want to but I call it like i see it and she has done more to run people away than to pull people together. She has six months to do something but a leopard can’t change its spots.

    To Media, keep to the point and no more under the belt remarks. That was really nasty of you to say OT backs Carl.

  10. @Objective thought

    Objective thought :
    Amen!! I have NEVER supported minister Bethel and with what I know goes on in C.C. Sweeting on a daily basis with NOTHING being done about it, I don’t see me supporting him any time soon!! I have watched fight after fight after fight and the police is no where in sight even after persons have been killed at that school!!
    I agree that minister Bethel should resign and the quicker the better!! I would just feel better if Media would lay the evidence on the table and let us form our own opinions rather than just stating his opinions as facts!!

    Isn’t that amazing? You know what is happening at a school and you would not say a word of it on here? That’s the kind of VICKED MENTALITY here in the Bahamas we are trying to ROOT OUT. Joe blow argues the same points to us on here. He says talk about this, talk about that. We have extended editorial invites to him, and to this date, NOT A SINGLE ARTICLE HAS BEEN FILE. But his rants are never ending. I guess Joe’s sickness is catching.

    On the post we have presented more than evidence. WE HAVE POSTED THE RAW AUDIO, and you still asking us to present the facts? Some of you all could have the facts sprayed on you as big as DAY. IN CAPITAL LETTERS, and still you would never comprehend the what is being said.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  11. @Objective thought
    You know OT I have been advised on more than one occasion to avoid responding too excessively to silly posts. Where is this headline misleading?

    The Audio is here for everyone to listen to. Was the select committee appointed? The government rejected appointing it! So explain where is that misleading? I mean come on OT. Boy yall PLPs are real CANNIBALS when it comes to those in your party you hate nah.

    Bahamas Press/editor

  12. For the love of all that is right and fair in this country as we always say and I come back to it if it was in the U.S.A or England or Canada the person in charge would have to resign ……it is not that Bethel did not know what was happening and he was surprised by the facts and everything was kept from him …..He knew and did NOTHING not a God D########M thing (sorry for the language) but he stood by and allowed the pedophile Birbal to escape as minister once this came across his desk shouldn’t he have called the police commissioner and have the accused call in for questioning even if he had done this it would not be so bad but it is bad …..we had buggery going on here and yet we still discuss the Minister of Education this Minister should resign …shame on Bethel

  13. So what if the Chairwoman brings matters of concern to the publics attention?Thats her job to be aggressive unlike Rigby who went into a shell after the defeat of the PLP.I do not care what wnyone says Glennys is s ateam player who is fulfilling her role as a Leader in the PLp and bringing matters forward with the blessings of her Parliamentary colleagues.If she offers as Chair person she will be returned as such.The PLP needs someone like her to take on Hubbigetty a former PLP Chairman who carried out the wishes of PM Pindling.All Chair perwsons should carry out the mandate of their Leader.So get this fellas Glennys is the agreed spokeperson on this issue. Collie gone now my good friend Bethel gooooonnnnnnneeeeee.

  14. @Objective thought
    Not many people support Carl on this site, but that doesn’t mean they support the chairlady either. Ask any people or in tht case FNM and could you a load of reasons why. If she doesn’t stop there are going to be some more like Kenyatta!! BTW, it doesn’t mean that people don’t want that man in EMR dealt and dealt with severely.

  15. @media
    Media I have always on every site that I visit keep my conversations clean and above board!! I don’t use obscene language and I do my best to refrain from personal attacks on other members, not public figures..!!

    But I accept your statement to JR… You are saying that you have produced the evidence along the way and you are right… But I stated that your headline did not do the post any good.. What about those who have tuned in for the first time?? They will have the same questions that I asked and will also wonder why you chose to attack me with threats!!

  16. @JR
    Amen!! I have NEVER supported minister Bethel and with what I know goes on in C.C. Sweeting on a daily basis with NOTHING being done about it, I don’t see me supporting him any time soon!! I have watched fight after fight after fight and the police is no where in sight even after persons have been killed at that school!!

    I agree that minister Bethel should resign and the quicker the better!! I would just feel better if Media would lay the evidence on the table and let us form our own opinions rather than just stating his opinions as facts!!

  17. @media One thing about you Media, you like to threaten people when they disagree with you nah! That’s just petty!! Only people who don’t have a valid point react in such a manner!! I prefer to stick to the facts though.. Your headline is misleading and that’s a fact… Even if you have evidence, you surely did not produce any! Rather than threatening me what you should have done was prove me wrong rather than rambling with nonsense!!

    Also, you know exactly how good I used to talk about this site. It’s just that you have moved away from producing facts to expressing your opinions as facts and we can find that everywhere especially in the rest of our media today!!

    Besides anyone who follows me on this site and others know that I am NO friend of Mr. Bethel or the FNM!! I did NOT defend minister Bethel, all I stated is that you did NOT give the evidence to backup your headline.. Are you saying that you did??? You should try using your ramblings in court to support your headline and see just how far it gets you!! Your conclusion on my posts is just ludicrous!!

  18. Media, I can accept your explanation if I didn’t have your post to read. You implied that OT hates women because he criticized Glenys. You implied that OT supports Carl Bethel because he questioned your headline and you implied that OT supports pedophiles because of his post. I’m not making it up because the post is right there for all to read. Then you end with a “warning.” Why warn him if you don’t intend to censor him? He is not the only one who feels the way he feels about Glenys and your answer that you are not interested in what happens in the PLP is a load of crap. You have your fingers all over the place so you know good and well that this gal is bad news and has been from day one. BUt I guess its nothing for you to concern yourself with if she is undercutting Perry, right?

  19. @JR
    Well Jr let me better explain my sharp response to OT. Firstly, we never said anything to threaten suspension of Objective’s posts. Nor have we in anyway suggested suspending him on here.

    We have no right to DO SO. Our job is to simply manage comments. Keep it clean and civil.

    Now with that being made clear, lets get to the meat and potatoes. Bahamas Press almost from the beginning, has carried this Carl Bethel/Andre Birbal SEX SCANDAL of the children at EMR High. We warned the minister that this WILL NOT GO AWAY! We promised the parents that we will NOT REST UNTIL, (1) The Minister resigned or was KICK OUT OF OFFICE, and (2) the Criminals have been brought to JUSTICE!

    Bahamas Press warned Carl Bethel of this you know. We warned members of the Police, Education, and the WUTLESS MEDIA that this matter will not DIE!

    Now that the fire is reaching the halls of Parliament, FINALLY by Hanna-Martin we are finally seeing something happen. This is what the PLP should have done from the news broke at the school. Don’t get us wrong, an FNM could have brought this to our attention and we would have equally praise them.

    Man look, If Bethel had thought to draft a communication and presented it to Parliament, we would have lighten his load. BUT THE MAN HAS A RECORD OF COVERING UP UNDERAGE SEX SCANDALS! Bethel has a record of doing these thing ya know! AND WE ARE SICK OF IT!

    Now OT has decided to come on here and knock a member, the ONLY member of the Parliament to address the matter with which we’ve been fight for since NOVEMBER!

    Bahamas Press ain’t concern what happening with the PLP these days ya know. We are not concerned with who burning down who, cause YALL GA LOSE COME NEXT ELECTION ANYWAY WITH CHRISTIE AT THE HEAD! We ain’t into that political diatribe as OT trying to insinuate. We gave Obie the name SNITCH YA KNOW! BP and NO ONE ELSE!

    We simply have a heart for the children of this country. MY GOD SOMEONE MUST SPEAK FOR THE CHILDREN of EMRH School. Pedophile teachers has failed them. The MOE has failed them. The Police has Failed them. The Minister has Failed them miserably!

    We applaud Hanna-Martin for her efforts. Thousands upon THOUSANDS in this country, including the Children of Eight Mile Rock and Queen’s College are standing on their feet and are cheering her ON! CAUSE THEY KNOW WHEN THE GIANT SLAYER BEGIN Asking questions, Someone is GETTING READY TO FALL!

    Like small David Glenys Hanna-Martin is a Giant Slayer, ask Sidney Collie if that ain’t so! He was too up and doing like Carl Bethel doing now. Trying to stall an investigation. But The GIANT SLAYER defied all odds and after one just weeks into office caused Collie to resign!

    Resign Carl Bethel, RESIGN NOW!!!!! And save us the embarrassment which shall be revealed!!!!!!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  20. Media, you are being very unfair to OT. What is so dangerous about him doing the very thing that you always brag about on this site? Aren’t you the one who brags about letting people express their opinions, even if they disagree with you or what you write? How many times have I criticize what I see as you being overly biased against certain people and shamelessly promoting others. That is a right you have allowed with some of us but seem to not tolerate with others and for some reason, you have it in for Objective when all he is doing is expressing himself. I’m sorry Media but you are really wrong on this one and are showing a double standard that even I would say is unlike you. Objective is not supporting Carl Bethel and has not written anything yet to suggest that he does. What he has said, and what I have said, is that people should be careful to declare Glenys “St. Glenys” because we who hang around the PLP enough to know better believe that she has been bad for the party despite what you describe as her “giant killing.” She is perpetrating an image to the public that we know is not real and in the long run, has been more destructive than anything else for the PLP. This isn’t about her work as a Parliamentarian because in most cases, those takedowns are team efforts that involve more than just the spokesperson. You just have to be real about it. Because she hates Perry makes her okay in your book but she is no saint and if PLP members weren’t so scared of her, they would come out and tell you that this gal has been a one woman hurricane destroying everything in her path. I ask you Media, with all your insider PLP connections, to name one single thing that she has done to improve the PLP since she came to power. Name one thing she has done to make the PLP as a party better as chairman. Take your time and think long about it because it is not as simple a question as it seems. You will have a hard time coming up with a legit answer because the gal as spent her time promoting Obie’s agenda and trying to take down Perry. No wonder the PLP can’t get no where when the FNM is falling down all over the place. With Glenys in place, the PLP will once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. That is what Objective is saying and that is what I am saying too and you have to be fair if you say this is the place for free speech. Dispute it, refute it, back it up or argue your side but come on man Media, don’t threaten people. That is too Mugabe, even for you.

  21. @Objective thought
    Well well objective, I don’t know what’s your problem, but either you have too much hate for women, or just love to hear Children getting rape, especially lil boys. But to see your responses to these posts concerns us and the entire nations. This certainly tells us a lot about your own personality.

    What a Shame a blogger supporting the likes of a Carl Bethel and attacking a Lady that has risen to CALL for an INVESTIGATION INTO THE CRIMES. Trust me on this Objective, we’re that LAST SET OF PERSONS you want to be attacking on this matter presented here.

    Let this serve as your first warning.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  22. @Dorry Sounds like another member with a bias voice and pretending to be balanced aye….OK! You do know that your opinion is just that right?? And others are just that too right??

    You are saying what you believe and we are saying what we believe!! Why is that so difficult??? Mrs Martin in BAD for the PLP outside of parliament but she can surely put on a good show inside for the viewers though!!

    She has practically destroyed the PLP over the past 12 months.. People on the streets have no idea what is going on with the PLP!! She seems lost… She won’t appear on certain shows so that people can hear from her and she only hold press conferences to answer useless accusations that hardly anyone cares about.. (Just my opinion)

  23. @rudy
    But Carl really in a jam Objective. I think the PM will be moving him soon. Like some of the others have said there needs to be a full scale investigation of the entire Ministry and what safeguards should be put in place. Of course this will take effort, but it needs to be done. We just can’t react when there is a particular instance.

  24. Here again Media, is another story where the headline is misleading!! Are you saying that because Mr Bethel did not want to discuss this issue in the HOA, he was trying to stop the investigation into those sexual accusations????

    You didn’t give any other evidence to support your headline Media… Are you writing these stories with your eyes closed??

    This is just another one of those BP hate rants!! Produce the evidence BP and your stories will speak for themselves.. Don’t fabricate evidence!!

  25. JR, you are absolutley right! Instead of dealing with issues she too busy wondering who her enemies are and trying to destroy them. When all the time if she did what she was supposed to be doing she wouldn’t have so many enemies and would be herald as a unififer.

  26. Russell, I attack the fact that other people on this site are so quick to heap praises on her when her biggest accomplishment so far has been dividing the PLP into Pro Christie and Pro Obie factions. It ain’t pretty but it is what it is and to me, thats a crying shame. I didn’t diss her point or attempt but I don’t care for the idea of her being anything more than what she is right now. At least we know that this chairmanship will be over soon enough.

  27. Good point russell, Cleaver Duncombe, gone misssing so called ‘child activist”. I have always held the belief that many, many, persons in our society, are afraid of the current prime minister.

    Watch most of the talk show host when they interview a plp ex-minister there questions always seem hard hitting, but when it is a fnm cabinet minister, (if they can get them to appear on a talk show), they are most patronizing.

  28. I commented under the story of Father Ranfurly Brown that Tommy could not intervene because it would be conflict of interest if he was seen to be blocking any investigatiopns against his uncle Father Brown.Not a say from anyone especially the boot lickers on this site.The patriach of the Turnquest family was white but he loved dark ladies and once they became pregnant ensured that the children attended the best schools all with the idea of becoming priest.All of the sons have done well as priest.At least the vice of the patriach was sweethearting and not sissying. No onein this country dares confront the sweethaert issue because we are all guilty.With this in m ind lets applaud Glennys for having the fortitude to demand an Enquiry into the EMR school fiasco.I call on the non functioning representative for that area to resign and if she does not in 10 days rhen voters in her conctituency should demonstrate until she HAUL TAIL.

  29. I had prepated a response to Joe and others earlier but got disconnected from the site.I cry shame on them for digressing from the matter at hand.As reported in an earlier post the representative for the area is behind her desk eating steak while young men are being bungied to death.I had earlier asked for an Enquiry and am pleased that the PLP Chairman tried unsucessfully to have the HOA grant one.I am apalled that Cleaver Duncombe who used to have so much say is silent.Rev Hall is silent.The Christian council is silent.Everyone is silent but the minute Glennys Hanna tries to gauge the temperature of the EMR area jokers on this site attack her mercilessly.PLP business has nothintg to do with this serious matter and no operatives will cause any digression.I applaud Glennys and will be here to defend or criticise anyone if I feel it is in the interest of the country.The Speaker was very wrong but again he was only following orders to save his big time job and the increase in salary granted shortly after Parliament resumed in 2007 after the General Elections.

  30. So your approach would not be different if it was your son at Lyford Cay School? You would still be more concerned with the petty agenda? DHL

  31. What does it matter the school? Be it St. Andrews where certain daughters would have gotten in trouble for thier bathroom antics!! We are talking about caring about children, not scoring cheap political points. It’s obvious that you out to lunch like the rest of them! When I see real sincere concern then perhaps I’ll change my mind. I am convinced that politicians don’t really care about the poor and downtrodden.They only care about surviving another election.

  32. @Dorry
    You joking right! Please its politicians like Hanna Martin who has a petty agenda and trust me she aint speaking for no children. I agree with Rudy, prosecute the bastard, investigate the schools and stop with the phony concern. Haters! This country is in a serious state and we need people who actually care about people and not their own egos. Change will only come when we attract decent good caring people to lead us and not insecure egotist who think that power is their birthright. One only need to look at how they run their own households!

  33. It is good to know that there are sober heads on this site and voices who will speak for the children. Shame on Rudy and others for being more concerned with their petty agendas. Haters!

  34. We certainly do no not have a foreign minister. Brent symonette must be the most ‘WUTLESS’ foreign minister ever.

    He is so busy acting prime minister, while the state minister for finance travels abroad more than him. He has a phobia of flying? or, he knows that he is not the sharpest when it comes to foreign affairs.
    my, my, we are in a mess.

  35. @rb75
    It is clear the government has NO legislative agenda. I mean almost every month, Hubert has some international meeting he attends. I thought that is why you have a Foreign Minister!

    The government is not on any leg push around the world to spark new business. Does anyone remembers Pindling’s world tour with business leaders in Europe, America and Asia in the 1980s?

    During that same period he lead construction for the redesign of Cable Beach to keep hotel workers working? But not this current government! They would let KERZER CLOSE and not look for a buyer much less step in and run it. THE ROYAL OASIS IS A PERFECT EXAMPLE! And the People of Grand Bahamas Must see, THIS WUTLESS BUNCH OF JOKERS COULD CARELESS IF THEY STARVE AND DIE! (PLPs & FNMs)!

    Liberial’s Woman President upon taking office identified that RAPE and WAR was the number one problem facing her country. What she did? When she got elected she SUSPENDED the war. OPENED a SPECIAL COURT for ALL RAPE VICTIMS, upgraded the laws on the books for RAPE with strict penalties! And engaged a STRONG police division to tackle ALL rape cases. If Andre Birbal was in Liberia, the matter would have been a different scenario today! But these WUTLESS VICKED JOKERS like Carl Bethel rather LOCK UP the ARCHDEACON for stopping rape, and in the same breathe let the RAPIST RUN FREE!

    We need a Change in Leadership people! We need leaders who tackle the issues. Leaders who speak and fight for US! MY GOD WE NEED CHANGE IN THIS COUNTRY!

    I mean from the WUTLESS media to the LAZY politicians the country is sliding into a septic tank of WUTLESSNESS, INACTION, INDECISION and PROCRASTINATION! WE NEED A CHANGE IN LEADERSHIP ACROSS THE BOARD IN THIS COUNTRY! The Director of Education should also be suspended for his pronouncements that there was no case at EMRH School! The evidence is STINK! And his department assisted with the crime, BP can prove it!

    I mean something as simple as a criminal investigation, and members of the police, education and now the GOVERNMENT of the Bahamas is seeking to BLOCK an investigation from happening. GOD HELP US ALL!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  36. I see this as a failure of both the Minister of Education and the Police Department after this sexual abuse was reported to the police department and the Minister of Education was made aware of the situation both The Minister and The RBPF did nothing to catch and bring the pedophile to justice ….and as for Martin I applaud her holding the feet of Bethel to the fire with this matter we all know that a parliamentary committee has and will ever do nothing but that is all the fun and games that comes with the old boys club that is located in raw son square….

    Folk es as we can see the government or opposition does not have a plan for our country what let’s take a look at what the parliament has been debating this week and then anyone can ask themselves the question just what the h#####ll is these people talking about or just where are they living?

  37. Am no fan of either Glenys nor Obie, so whatever their agenda is doesn’t move me at all. However, it’s amazing how the Member of Parliament for EMR, Mrs. Verna Grant is being let off the hook in this continued saga. As a very active parent of the EMRHS, I have not once seen this MP attend meetings the PTA has held regarding this sexual molestation incident (KNOWN FACT). She has shown up twice and it was the two times that Carl Bethel was making his visit. SOME misREPRESENTATION, ALL FOR SHOW! Someone pointed out that this school is in Obie’s backdoor, well shoot, you can then say that this school is right in Verna’s door mouth. I just think she has been very unsupportive of our (PARENTS) efforts in bringing justice to our students. Am just tired of these “wanna be politicians.” We voted for her in this constituency, why isn’t she up in arms in all of this trying to bring some sort of comfort to our kids? This is the second time I’m not seeing any representation from her, when the very same school was causing sickness upon our children, she again did nothing. We the parents and students marched the streets for something to be done about the infestations at the school and she didn’t bother to join in our efforts, in fact she was visibly seen passing up and down in her vehicle, which means she had nothing of importance to do on that day. I would never forget it, and nothing personal against the lady, but I won’t be wasting my X on her again come 2012. I certainly hope for better support for the institution but I sure am glad that come June my child will no longer be a part of it.

  38. This is why I wonder why BP only speaking this “change” talk when it comes to Perry and you have Allyson (BP’s gal) and Glenys (BP’s gal too) sitting right up there. These second generation people who think being in Parliament and being in charge is their birthright have to go. That is what we need a change from. Allyson, Glenys, Tommy, Dion, , Brent, Loretta, Charles and all the rest of them who think because they pa or grandpa was in the House need to get to stepping if they can’t bring anything better than their last name to politics. You could throw Obie and his selfish self in there too. Boy I tell you, the look on his face when the PLP had convention and Perry’s picture of him hoping out of the car popped up on the screen was priceless. You could see his face just dropped. They too dirty and dangerous and scheme to damn much and are willing to take the PLP down just so they can take over. This convention can’t come soon enough so that we see and hear from them no more. If they win, I gern BDM or NDP with Paul Moss brother BJ. LOL. I wonder what Vanguard saying?

  39. @Thomas Finley
    LOL! First woman PM, that would be interesting, but we have had an insight of what that would be like in her soon to be short lived chairman term. Boy, Johnny you better don’t let Obie hear you with that, he’ll turn on her too! He say PM is reserved for him and no one else in the PLP could ever beat him!!! HA!

  40. Johnny Tucker :
    For the most part, we should be heralding the fearless actions of Glenys Hanna Martin. It appears as if she is plucking these WUTLESS/CORRUPT FNM cabinet ministers one by one; Sydney Collie, Carl Bethel and who knows who’s next. Are we witnessing the emergence of the first woman bahamian prime minister who fights corruption at any cause? More than anything I am disappointed at Mr Ingraham, how he is allowing Carl to get away with all of this shit. Not the Ingraham from the 90’s I can tell you that much.
    But you know life has a serious way of repaying us, Ingraham has grandboys too. What if they came home from school and said to Ingrgaham, “grumpie, teacher Birbal said in order for me to get my equations right i gatta close my eye an take a deep breadth, while he creates a human triangle out of me so i cud fully understand parabola”
    I believe the United Nations and Amnesty International needs to be duly enlightened on this shameful and what would prove to be a scar in Bahamian history…
    For the last time, Carl Bethel is spoiled fish; throw his ass overboard or he will stink up the whole school of “PUSSGUTTS”

    This post was very funny; can we please have some more?

  41. Boy JR you know what you talking. I aint know what kind of Kool aid Obie gave her to drink, but like you say look at every cause she fought for and you will see Obie in the background! But then he is why she is there and I guess he is trying to save her because it serves his purpose. And Johnny Tucker, it is obvious that you don’t know her, she is far from fearless, she is a very insecure woman and a person like Obie could lead her. Hopefully we will soon see the backs of the two of them. The PLP needs to purge itself of these ‘old PLP’ mentality. Glenys has divided the party far more than most. Like one elder said the other day, she really has f***’d up the party!

  42. Glenys is a grandstander. She was the spokesman on Collie but she didn’t take him down all by her self so get that straight. The biggest giant Glenys is slaying is the PLP itself. Ask anyone who is a member who goes to these meetings and events and they will tell you how she is sucking the life right out of the PLP while she slaves for Obie. Shoot, EMR is in his backyard, why isn’t he speaking out on this? Why is he passing it all to her? I guess to save her tail when convention comes. Too late for that, PLP people have tried the experiment and are tired of her backstabbing divisiveness.

  43. For the most part, we should be heralding the fearless actions of Glenys Hanna Martin. It appears as if she is plucking these WUTLESS/CORRUPT FNM cabinet ministers one by one; Sydney Collie, Carl Bethel and who knows who’s next. Are we witnessing the emergence of the first woman bahamian prime minister who fights corruption at any cause? More than anything I am disappointed at Mr Ingraham, how he is allowing Carl to get away with all of this S***. Not the Ingraham from the 90’s I can tell you that much.

    But you know life has a serious way of repaying us, Ingraham has grandboys too. What if they came home from school and said to Ingrgaham, “grumpie, teacher Birbal said in order for me to get my equations right i gatta close my eye an take a deep breadth, while he creates a human triangle out of me so i cud fully understand parabola”

    I believe the United Nations and Amnesty International needs to be duly enlightened on this shameful and what would prove to be a scar in Bahamian history…

    For the last time, Carl Bethel is spoiled fish; throw his ass overboard or he will stink up the whole school of “PUSSGUTTS”

  44. And what actually would this committe accomplish? Have we ever seen any of these select committees accomplish anything? Glenys just as bad as Carl, all for show!! Prosecute the bastard and let the politicians continue to play their games. She has no credibility, always promoting someone else’s agenda! Why not call for a commission to invesitgate what is going on in all of these schools. Why is Freeport or Grand Bahama such a priority with her. She is just a Hot headed puppet!

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