Former M.P. Pierre Dupuch comments on Proposed Mining in Andros!



Ocean Cay, Bahamas Mining Aragonite. OUR WHITE GOLD!

By Pierre V. L. Dupuch
June 20, 2020

I had an interesting chat with a lady several days ago. Her name was Andros and she belonged to the Bahamas family.

Andros spoke of the past years and compared them with today. She said that many years ago when elections were held on different islands on different days, she would see the landing craft on the horizon coming in for the election. It was loaded with liquor. The people on it were loaded with money.

When it landed the front opened and the party started. Four shillings and a bottle of rum! That was the price of a vote. They always won. This put them in a position to grant to themselves as much Crown Land as they wanted. Some took thousands of acres for themselves.

But they impregnated me with many seeds of various types. I carried them and, because I had plenty fresh water, produced thousands of offspring. They were healthy and fed families. These were the good old days. We were productive.

But the powers-that-be were not interested; they couldn’t be bothered. They had their land and they had put themselves in the position to get more.

They impregnated us with more seeds but they did us no harm. They left our water and left our soil.

But then on the horizon I saw many landing craft. All packed with heavy equipment, some never before seen in The Bahamas. They were no longer the land grabbers who had no picks and shovels.

These folks planned on digging our hearts out and leaving us to die.

They were going to mine our rock. They were going to open our fresh water lenses into salt. They were going to take five hundred thousand – yes five hundred thousand acres of our land, kill it, mine it and ship it out.

The money flowed. I shouted RAPE. Nobody listened.

In desperation, I called out to the lady who used to be known as the Lady of the Environment.

Years ago she would have been out front shouting, “Stop!! Foul”. But I haven’t seen or heard her name mentioned.

They promised to create 10,000 construction jobs. I heard the same figure at “The Point” in Nassau. I don’t recall seeing many Bahamians on the site. Could this be hot air too?

They have promised to give the Government $2/load of what they mine. How much are they selling it for?

They want tax-free status. I ask, how can Bahamians compete if the outsider pays no taxes but we Bahamians have to pay taxes? Do they think we are inferior?

They say that this foreigner with a Chinese name has a “golden” record; that he is in no way tied to the Communist Chinese Government. But I understand that the same story was given about Hutchison Whampoa in Freeport. Was it not recently said that Hutchison Whampoa was intrinsically tied to the Communist Chinese Government?

What about Baha Mar? Are we being taken for a ride again?? Are we giving our country away again because we dont have either the ability or imagination to run it ourselves?

RAPE! Our fellow Bahamians, please help us. RAPE! I won’t be able to breath – help us, we are being RAPED.