GB Independent Candidate calls for Laing to resign

Troy Garvey

Re: Hon.Zhivargo Laing’s comments on the provision of potable water in a private sub-division in Freeport.

The Erstwhile so-called Marco City Member of Parliament The Honorable Zhivargo Laing a/k/a “THE ABSCONDER” now,in blatant rhetoric,exposed the soft underbelly of his F.N.M Government by stating that he,Laing has caused the peoples’ money to be spent to shore up the inefficiency or inadvertency of the Grand Bahama Port Authority.

Mr.Laing published over zns and the Freeport News that his F.N.M Government has mis-appropriated the people’s taxes to install potable water in a private FREEPORT SUB-DIVISION (GRASMERE). Please note that I,Troy Garvey, has no difficulty in the provision of water being supplied or is seeking no glory because all the glory belongs to GOD.It has to be done the right way.

The Grand Bahama Port Authority is obligated to ensure compliance by DEVELOPERS to PROVIDE INFRASTRUCTURE such as WATER and POWER in PRIVATE or other sub-divisions in Freeport,and further,Mr.Laing’s assertion that the Grand Bahama Utility Company needed 2 years to provide materials for a simple water project is LUDICROUS.

Mr.Zhivargo Laing has now,wittingly or unwittingly opened a can of worms and unleashed a virus of MALFEASANCE and unveiled a conspiracy of FAILURE and DECEPTION between the GOVERNMENT and THE GRAND BAHAMA PORT AUTHORITY.

This has proven to me, that this has to be non other than a political ploy.


Thank You.