GOLDWYNN Resort and Residences has removed its sign following BP’s blasting of the resort for denying locals beach access…

Sign now removed by Goldwynn

NASSAU| GOLDWYNN has removed its wicked sign which suggested beach access restrictions for Bahamians.

Resort spokesperson Stuart Bowe sounded apologies today for the sign and gave notice that it has since been removed. He added that the sign was really intended to deny use of GOLDWYNN private pools and decks.

Now Bahamas Press is warning GM Randy Hart at the property that, as a loud Bahamian voice, we at BP will not allow or tolerate any disrespect to Bahamians. WE ARE NOT HAVING IT!

For the record, the beach up to the high water mark is owned by the CROWN! DAS US! If we want to start a beach concert right behind ya property nothing can stop us. We hope ATLANTIS HEARS THIS TOO!

Now to Goldwynn, since someone wanted to be disrespectful to Bahamians we want to know when will the rest of your property agreements with the Bahamian taxpayers be honoured?

Let us remind yinner of some of the agreements signed by the National Economic Council (NEC) in the wake of the approval of that property. These are still outstanding and these are problems we see happening now:

1) Commitments to beach access that they have not lived up to (based on yinner sign yesterday) Please don’t try dat!

2) Beachgoers are finding it hard to park on Goodman’s Bay because GoldWynn Employees are taking up most of the parking spaces at the beach!

3) Where is the promised parking lot which is supposed to be right next to their property as a condition of their approval for beachgoers?

4) Goldwynn agreed to also build bathrooms in the area for members of the public as part of its agreement for the development. WHERE ARE THEY?

5) In Goldwynn agreement the property developer is also supposed to beautify Goodmans Bay! Yinner seen that happen yet?

The NEC approval mandated all these things and more. And it also mandated that full beach access be granted to Bahamians! What happened now?

Bahamas Press is monitoring this development and we remind yinner – we will not sit by like second-class citizens to be directed around here!

We report yinner decide!