Health Minister Duane Sands goes missing in action as hospitals go on lockdown in The Bahamas while clinicians race in panic as first COVID 19 [coronavirus] patient is confirmed…


NASSAU| Prime Minister Most Honourable Hubert Minnis was on the platform Sunday afternoon addressing the nation as the country recorded its first COVID 19 [coronavirus] patient.

The Prime Minister was left to face the music after weeks of deception and lies from his administration over rumored accounts of a COVID 19 victim.

The address was made worse when the PM was visibly supported by his Minister for Education Jeffery Lloyd, who was sitting in as the Acting Health Minister since last week.

Health Minister Duane Sands was away, out of the country, doing what he described as dealing with a family matter. It was his birthday on Sunday and he has been gone since last week.

But what was more serious was how the Prime Minister, who had to save Sands from the scandal of the $1.9 Barbara Hanna cleaning contract, save him from the Marijuana Report fiasco, save him from the trailer of dead bodies in Abaco left for more than five months and now this coronavirus pandemic response, is left to inform the nation over this crisis. What a wutless Minister who has a dangerous complex about his representation of people.

You know Sands should count his days inside the Cabinet.

As the Health system buckles to its knees with pressure from the public, where is Sands? With doctors now being isolated and clinicians racing in panic, where is the man who heads the medical army of the country? He should be here to promote and invoke confidence with medical leaders across the country and celebrate their sacrifices for the nation?

Where is the real Health Minister Duane Sands to speak of the support by the government for the nurses and doctors who are on the frontlines of this coronavirus battle now sweeping the world?

Where is Duane Sands to caution patients that his government is doing all it can to protect the nation when the first case of COVID 19 is announced? Where is he?

Bahamians should reject this dangerous level of contempt for citizens and the professionals who all are standing on the front lines of this attack while the general who should be leading the healthcare army is like a rockstar is somewhere in the world at the expense of citizens. WHAT IN DA HELL IS THIS?!

Duane Sands, BP has some words for you as we are reminded of Proverbs 28: 1 which reads: “The wicked flee when no man pursueth….”: You are an infected boil on the backside of the Bahamian people, and if you had one ounce of pride and decency, you would resign and be gone in the interest of the public! You are unfit to serve in our business and should do the honourable thing.

Boy Minnis, this is sad and hard to say, but we at BP really feel sorry for you!

We report yinner decide!