
Grand Bahama’s 13th murdered victim Mr. Ryan Wood.

Freeport, Grand Bahama – At approximately 2:58pm this afternoon, Wednesday 5th December, 2007, Grand Bahama recorded its 13th homicide for the year 2007.

It was at 1:51pm the police received information about a shooting incident at Redwood Lane and they responded to the call.  Reports are that a male who was about 35 years old was sitting in a car on the side of the named street when another vehicle pulled up and the passenger opened the door and open fire on the victim then the driver sped off.

The victim was taken to the Accident & Emergency Section of the Rand Memorial Hospital by ambulance for medical attention.  At 2:58pm he was pronounced dead by the doctor on duty.

Officers from the Central Detective Unit are investigating this matter and they are asking that anyone with information relevant to this latest homicide should call 35-3107/8 or 911.