Hubert Ingraham wants to borrow more money, $300 million MORE


prime-ingraham-i-copy.jpg Nassau, Bahamas — Hubert Ingraham is beginning to buckle under the pressure. Over the weekend he was in Haiti and once again he was telling the IDB The Bahamas needs to BORROW MORE MONEY.

There he met with the BIG WIGS, hoping to borrow an addition $300 Million, to increase the debt if the country. By the time Ingraham leaves office, a child born in the country would be better off stillborn. LIFELESS, as that child will not be able to pay the debts left behind by the FNM leader.

In an exclusive interview with The Nassau Guardian on Monday, July 20, 2009, Ingraham was quoted as saying:

I accepted the challenge. This is the card that I’ve been dealt and I shall do my best to play this card that I was dealt, but it is a very difficult time to govern. But it is good that I’ve got some experience and some experienced people and that I’ve been around for a little while. It may be that other people [PLP] could have done as good a job or a better job, but I don’t know that. It’s just a challenging time, that’s all.

Clearly from these words Ingraham feeling the pressure, and we must agree, this is the first time we’ve ever heard MUGABE talk like this.


  1. Kevin, I was always of that belief. My fnm friends during 1997-2002,
    use to brag about how Mr. Ingraham turn the economy around. Pure tribune and punch propaganda, and now Mr. Ingraham, is showing us all that he was simply “riding coattails”!

  2. This man looks like he trying to leave us in bills up to our eye balls. He really doing for more this time around, he look like came back from retirement to do some serious damages. Some people just don’t have any conscience, we can’t even catch ourselves as it is with this recession and the only thing this man mind could tell him to do is keep borrowing monies and if you could only see what he doing with all this monies he keep borrowing you would not mind. Like I said before and I will say it again, I don’t know what the Bahamian people did to upset Hubert Alexander Ingraham, but he look like he trying to fix our business by leaving us with a loan that would take us and our great grandchildren, children the rest of our days trying to pay off.

  3. why would he proclaim such absurdity in haiti and not here where we will feel the affects of borrowing all this money our grandchildren will have a hard time paying back?

  4. Well,the truth always comes to light. Mr Ingraham rode on the coattails of a booming American economy and then enslaved Bahamians to Sol Kerzner and Cable Bahamas and thought he did a good job. Now that things are tough, he shoudl admit that he was a mediocre lawyer at best and falls short of anything that requires a thorough understanding of the economy. Sadly Zhivargo Laing (his help mate) is also clueless……..

  5. If this recession was to end tomorrow it will take Bahamians DECADES AND HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in interest to pay off these loans.The only word the prime minister seems to know is ‘BORROW.’I warned Bahamians that mr.Ingraham HAS NO IDEA WHAT TO DO.He is hoping that president Obama is able to get the American economy going and as a result our economy recover and he could then take ALL THE CREDIT.Unfortunately for him this will not happen,instead HE WILL BE EXPOSED FOR THE LIAR THAT HE IS.Mr.Ingraham proclaimed himself THE MIRACLE MAN during the 1992-2002 period,he REFUSED TO GIVE PRAISE TO GOD AND THANKS TO BILL CLINTON DURING THE GLOBAL PERIOD OF RICHNESS OF THE 1990S,NOW ITS MR.INGRAHAM’S TIME TO COME UP WITH THE SOLUTIONS.Mr.Ingraham said Pindling MISMANAGED the economy during the 1991-1993 GLOBAL RECESSION,however Pindling left the economy in such a fine state that mr.Ingraham DIDNOT HAVE TO BORROWED THIS OBSCENE AMOUNT OF MONEY.

  6. Media, there is a danger in borrowing so much money from the IDB. The IDB sucks countries dry and in turn those countries cant do anything financially without there approval.

    The caribbean countries that got drunk on the bitter wine of the IDB got in return devalued currencies and a bad economies. They have become IDB slave.

  7. Welcome back Big Bad Brad. We missed you over the past few years. Your direct way of approaching problems is needed in our Country just now. I would personally feel safe with you at the helm, and I know only good things will result from your return.

    Now, as you know, this scares the pants off the FNM, and they will try every dirty trick in the book and some outside the book, to derail your efforts. But, stay the course. The Country needs a good man such as yourself especially now.

    May God Bless you in your endeavors.

  8. You know this man makes me sick to my stomach. It is a difficult time to govern. He should be ashamed of himself! He caused the rapid decline in our economy before there was a global recession. The people he can help he doesn’t because he seeks out foreign companies and fatten their pockets, while his own people are suffering. There is a special place in Hades for some people…..

    BP, the comment about babies being better off stillborn is highly offensive to me. Even though your desire to express the seriousness of our national debt is well taken, I find it distasteful to make a comment such as this……

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