Hypocrites they are, HYPOCRITES they in the FNM continue to be!


THE FNM Cabinet accepted money from CRAIG FLOWERS…SO WHAT’s THE POINT?

What hypocrites in the FNM. The new leader of the decimated FNM, Dr. Hubert Minnis and the Opposition leader in the Senate, Desmond Bannister, are spewing cow dung talking about illegal gambling and monies that they say the PLP got from the Numbers Operators. Well we wonder if they bit their tongues. They sat in the Cabinet led by Hubert Ingraham and accepted $100,000 [ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS] from Mr. Craig Flowers for NEMA after Hurraicane IKE in 2008.

The presentation was made at the Churchill Building to Capt. Stephen Russell, who accepted the funds on behalf of the Government Agency. The very same building where Dr. Minnis and his colleagues met every Tuesday. Wow, are they serious?. Minnis and Bannister should be ashamed of themselves. They sat there collected the monies from Flowers and now want to talk shit.

NEMA Director and former DPM Brent Symonette at NEMA command Centre as they collected donations...

We say stop it, find something else to oppose, you have five years to find your way. Minnis should also be very careful giving out security details of police movements and who they are protecting.

This is very irreponsible. Security may have been compromised by his utterances.

We want to remind him that that we understand that the previous Minister of National Security, Tommy Turnquest, who we understand carried a Police Issued firearm and may have even brought it within the prescient of the House of Assembly. We are advised that Minnis was also offered a gun upon coming to office in 2007 and we dare him to deny it.

The FNMS like to refer to the murder of Chuck Virgil and blame the PLP, we say to Minnis, be more responsible. Enough said on that.

We warn Minnis to be measured in his utterances and get over the fact that your party lost. You and your colleagues should be asking the Bahamian People for forgiveness for the dire straits that your Government left the Country in.

You all are responsible, Your Government used the public purse like a Jungaliss with a stolen credit card. We have evidence of letters being issued right up to May 7,2012 for the jumpstart programme where people did not apply for the funds. We will publish these in due time.

Dr.Minnis himself said last week  during his contribution thanking the Governor General for the speech from the Throne, that he supports gambling. He should check with his Chairman who we are advised may have had an illegal game going on at the roach and flea motel he operates.

Further, Desmond Bannister met with Gaming Officials in Aruba when he was the Minister of Sports.

We will give our last free advice to Minnis. As a devout Catholic, we suggest that you take your Priest to FNM headquarters and sprinkle some holy water in and around that building, in hopes of chasing those demons and evil spirits left by the Chief Demon himself, Papa Clown.

Hypocrites ALL!



NEMA Takes Money From Alleged Gangster

2008-09-17 08:19:18 (No URL available) View profile
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Local “businessman” Craig Flowers yesterday donated $100,000 to the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) on behalf of his companies to assist in recovery efforts in Inagua following Hurricane Ike, which impacted the island more than a week ago.

Flowers, who heads FML Group of Companies, made the presentation’ at NEMA’s office at the Churchill Building in downtown Nassau.

FML owns various companies, including security firms, and local web shops, believed to be the base of operations for the illegal numbers racket.

“The CEO (Flowers) contacted me and indicated that his staff and members wanted to donate some funds and they did that,” said Commander Stephen Russell, NEMA’s – director.

“I got directives that I was allowed to receive the funds because the staff had a desire to make a contribution. Citizens of The Bahamas, regional friends of The Bahamas or international friends who have a desire to make a donation to the disaster relief effort, we welcome the funds, cash, food or building material.”

According to Flowers, after speaking with Commander Russell about the needs of the Inagua residents, FML staff and members decided that they wanted to assist by donating funds for food and building supplies.

Commander Russell said the funds will go a long way in assisting the residents of Inagua as they try to bring some normalcy to that island.

Already, NEMA has received $100,000 worth of building supplies, which were donated last week by a group of companies, including The Paint Center, FYP, and Tile King at Builders Mall. Among the items donated were plywood, roofing felt, shingles, nails, hammers and saws.

“At this time we are getting reports from our assessment team on the ground that some 230 homes have been-affected. We now go into our repair and reconstruction phase, so definitely the funds are timely. We now seek to procure some additional building materials and get them down to the island as quickly as possible,” Commander Russell said.

He added that a team of volunteers was in Matthew Town, Inagua, assisting with rebuilding efforts.

“We are working with a 10-day window and Wednesday is our tenth day, so we have a barge going to Inagua Tuesday afternoon which will [deliver] our large shipment of building supplies,” Commander Russell said.

Providing an update on restoration efforts in Grand Bahama, Commander Russell said the Bahamas Electricity Corporation (BEC) has advised NEMA that some power would have been restored by yesterday evening.

In addition, the Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) had completed about 50 percent of restoration of land line phones and cell phones were operational on the island.

He said BTC has indicated that its work will be completed by October 6 and BEC’s work may be completed by the end of September.

In terms of the water, Commander Russell noted that the water system is good. He said the aim is to have the island back to normal as early as possible so that residents will be able to enjoy their Christmas holiday.

Nassau Guardian