Louis Bacon Save The Bays Grabs The Bahamas Press Club by da P#$$/! Dey Have no Damn SHAME!


Press club should hang their heads in SHAME! The media was gagged by Save the Bays and the Press Club and Media in the Bahamas said not a damn word! WHAT A SHAM!!!

Guardian keeps apologizing to Fred Smith's client Louis Bacon.
Guardian keeps apologizing to Fred Smith’s client Louis Bacon.

Nassau, Bahamas – There are some people who sell their craft to the highest bidder and the crew at the Press Club of the Bahamas are just such a group.

Once again they have proven to the nation that prostitution is not a craft relegated to the women and these days men of the night, but also an art practiced by professionals.

The Club, in their usual yellow journalism fashion, have taken the decision to celebrate the work of Save the Bays [from whom they collected a Cheque] and sold this year’s Outstanding Political Journalism award to a Tribune reporter for the story on a Government Minister being fined $150,000 for an email row that began in Parliament.

The jagged claws of the press could not wait to dog a public minister in this row but what we saw as one of the most serious affairs in the email row was not the fine imposed on the Minister, but the events which followed where, for the first time after almost 200 years, all 38 members of the Parliament were being gagged by the courts. The question of Parliamentary Privilege was the real spotlight in that turn of events and not the fine, which is now kicked up to the appellate.

We also saw this year the same persons who screamed to have been set for a pot to be murdered [SAVE THE BAYS] in revelations to be the very persons caught negotiating and paying “big bucks” to the same alleged killers to conspire the murder for HIRE PLOT! But to the press club who continue to celebrate a LIE…act as if those events never happened.

The award, however, proves one thing: that journalism in the Bahamas is not just below sewerage drains of Dowdeswell Street, but has sunk to levels below prostitution where Louis Bacon’s Save the Bays could “Grab dem by the Pussy” and in the end have its way with the entire profession which today at an all time low!

We report yinner decide!