Mass Election FRAUD imminent…FNM operatives to fly in 135 Students and Bahamian-American residents to vote in Lizzy



FNM leadership rallying in Elizabeth on Tuesday night.

Miami, Florida — There was a big rally in Elizabeth last night as the great debate for the prized constituency took place. The nation was watching Jones Communications Network channel 14 as candidates presented their platform. However, while candidates were debating, FNM operatives are currently in the United States preparing to fly in some 135 Students and BahamianAmericans into the capital attempt to STEAL the by-election.

Bahamas Press was the first media organization here in the country to alarm the public that some 700 people in Lizzy cannotlocated in the constituency. We told you how Ingraham stopped publishing the voter’s list in 1993 and thus forced the man, we liken to Papa Doc’, to publish it.

You should know FNM candidate Duane Sands boycotted the debate on Tuesday night. He could be heard in Lizzy telling a handful of FNMs bussed in from Blue Hills his debate is with the people of Elizabeth and not the candidates.

Bahamas Press knows however why the FNMs didn’t participate and we have the details.

On Monday a senior goon of the Free National Movement and an employee of a government corporation had flown to the United States to carry out his orders by the Party leadership.

Bahamas Press has two agents on the ground right now in Miami, Florida tailing this hightail FNM agent and from information gathered by us isn’t good. In fact, after following this story for an entire day, we have notified the minister of national security of this CRIME NOW UNFOLDING. Our words to Tommy Turnquest is to tell this hightail FNM to cease and desist or face a terrible embarrassing public exposure with his name and photos of the CRIME now unfolding in Miami, Florida!

The FNM agent is now in Miami organizing flight arraignments for 75 FNM Bahamian Students and 60 Bahamians residing in the United States, who have not been in the Bahamas for 20 years, to fly into Nassau this Saturday and Sunday.

Information now in the possession of BP confirms the person spearheading this exercise for the FNM is one of the Party’s chief ELECTION goon who orchestrated the registering of scores of illegal persons in Blue Hills in the 2007 general elections causing the defeat of the former PLP MP.

Bahamas Press has engaged an American news affiliate to monitor these individuals, and we will spare no one in exposing this CRIME NOW IN PROGRESS!

Investigations by BP will continue.


  1. PLEASE !!!!!   PLEASE !!!!!  Somebody, tell HAI, that this Bye Election is between Ryan and Dwayne!  If somebody don’t move those “Gorilla” pics from off of Yamacraw – I will !!  I will set them afire ./..Those  damned obeah pics HAVE TO GO !!!!   HAI has already sacrificed too many of our young men’s blood and souls..I MEAN IT !!!! Dey better watch dem 24/7 !

      • Can blame Lou them.. the cookie jar is moving further and further away from them… and now they are more frustrated then ever…

        I bet they go and burn down the PLP headquaters after they loose in Lizzie and blame it on the FNM..


  2. I really do hope the editors at BP and the Bahamian public at large have the oppertunity to view the seriousness of my comments. Running a practicsing surgeon is really a form of Blackmail to me. I am a PLP and i’m working hard to get Ryan elected…. but I will need surgery in 3 weeks… I am afraid if Dr. Sands doesn’t win and finds out I campaigned against him, his hands won’t be too steady towards me….I guess I’ll see you PLP’S in the rapture….”til we meet again”

    • Anyhow noel, I will say a prayer for you… as the good doc is headed to a higher calling in the Honourable House of Assembly… Are you sure you will make the repture… seeing that you are supporting a crooked bunch of .. crooks…

  3. If this story turns out to have some merit,as some of you belive it has,I will, without reservation, apologise to MEDIA.

    But first I wish to apologise to “lizzy” for remarks made in my response to your contribution.

    • Krossova, every ting cool you know, but my god look at the Hon. Prime Minister of the great Commonwelth of the Bahamaland man with this hit ting if thats the way Mr Ingrahamwant be or look thats fine with me, but please don’t let him lower the standard the Honourable Office of Prime Minister of this great Bahamaland man. There are no wonder we get all of this unruly behavaior in this county man. Please all of you soder minded FNM out there come on man an talk to him and just remine Mr Ingraham that he is the Prime Minister of the Bahamaland, and that this is just a by-election. Thank You guys!!!!!!

  4. Wow!!! aren’t the students legally entaitled to vote if they are registered in a university???If these Bahamian- Americans have been out of the Bahamas for 20 years, how they get on the existing voter register???

    • That’s a question you should put to Tommy Turnquest! MARK OUR WORD, THE SUGAR GA HIT THE FAN ON THIS ONE!

      Bahamas Press/Editor

  5. No one which has not lived in Elizabeth for under six months are eligible to vote which is the law.Persons giving gifts like this wutless Govt should be ashamed of themselves.So larry your glee is just that misinformed feelings.Its PLP all the way baby.

    What happen, I thought your man had this thing lock up?
    You have to resort to making up stories, getting lil scared aye?
    Or you laying to ground, for what your story gone be on the night of the 16th, to explain how you’ll lose?
    Don’t give up already, that wouldn’t make it any fun

  7. Well, from where I am standing I can assure you that no matter what tricks the FNM try to pull, IT WILL  NOT  WORK.   WE   ARE  TIRED!  TIRED!  TIRED!   WE  TRYIN’  RYAN!!!!   Lord O Lord, can’t wait for Tuesday to send this  WUTLESS  GOFMENT a message!

  8. Just look at carl who has turned into a bootlicker.With all of the foolishness that PAPA has done its bold that he dares knock on doors of persons he has fired from Govt jobs.Elizabethans have a chance to send a message for all of those affected victims of PAPA by resoundingly voting against his candidate..Its five days and counting b4 yellow mixup red and turn them pink with shame.Then to top off their betrayal of justice they give Ezra Russell 40 acres and then want to put him on their podium tonight.I will attack that issue when Ezra opens his mouth.

  9. I won’t say BP is 100% accurate with this one but I will say they are not far off.  One thing I have noticed about Ingraham over the years.  If you see him point a finger and make accusations about the PLP, 10 to 1 the FNM is the one who doing it.  HI say the PLP put Christie picture all up in Elizabeth go to Elizabeth and see whose picture is all over Elizabeth.  Ingraham says the PLP making promises to the Haitians, but the FNM release all the detainees from the detention center.  Ingraham says the Marvin Pinder and Bradley ae from the UBP, but gad damn it the FNM is the UBP!  In light of all of that, who you really think busing in people to register?

  10. BP was allegedly provided with information from one of the person…either they did or they didnt,  for alledgedly informed individuals you have little facts to present to us to day.

  11. This is an interesting story, I personally know it is not true…probably you should have finishing your investigation before breaking the story…lends to creditibility

  12. I can assure you Krossova and Smith, BP has the goods on this one. BP has sent the names of the two operatives to Tommy Turnquest and Carl Bethel. One of the Operatives used to work to ZNS and now resides in Gregory Town Eleuthera. The other was fired before from a Govt Corp and has been rehired by the FNM. One of the persons they got to register has provided BP with  the information allegedly. Stay Tuned readers, BP gat them with their hands in the cookie jar. This is jail work. I wonder what Tommy ga do. 

  13. Kevin McKenzie… can you seek to explain what value other then mistruts that BP should thanked for …. please.. I will wait for your answer..

  14. My gawd Lizzie, it’s amazing how easy it is for people to sugarcoat crap and offer it to some of you guys.

    Learn how to think for yourself.

    I assure you, you’ll be able to sniff out foolisness from a mile away.

    I have concluded that MEDIA can’t help himself when it comes to stirring up crap, but look man, ya can’t be dat dern gullible!!!

  15. My gawd Lizzie, it’s amazing how easy it is for people to sugarcoat crap and offer it to some of you guys.

    Learn how to think for yourself and I assure you, you’ll be able to sniff out foolisness from a mile away.

    I have concluded that MEDIA can’t help himself stirring up crap, but look man, ya can’t be dat dern gullible!!!

  16. BP you’ll must expose them its time for Papa and Bethel to go, and yes they did this same ting in the 2007 Gen. Election  you know the old say da high da monkey go da more ya *** as exposed.

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