DR. Hubert Minnis SLAMS BACK!!!!!!!


Statement by Hon. Dr. Hubert A. Minnis, FNM Leader

Dr. Minnis tells community to get ready and stand strong…

Today, the Bahamian people will witness the abuse of our democratic process by the blind, greedy and selfish ambition of a few Members of Parliament.

As the duly elected leader of the Free National Movement, I wish to assure our faithful, dedicated, hardworking and committed members that I am not moved by these tactics. I remain steadfast in my duty to you, our supporters and the Bahamian people, to return good governance to this country and to rid the Bahamas of this inept, arrogant PLP administration. That is and will always be our primary focus.

What has occurred over the last few days in the FNM is the result of individuals who have failed to respect the democratic process of their own party. They have put their self-centered ambitions for leadership, and personal feelings toward me, ahead of the will of the people and the best interest of the country.

The Free National Movement is not distracted. Our party remains the best opportunity for real, systemic change in this country.

To our supporters in these seven constituencies, many of whom have contacted the party over the last few days expressing a sense of deep betrayal and disappointment in these representatives; please be assured that your party has not abandoned you. Indeed, we are energized and committed more than ever to ensure that you and our beloved Bahamians, receive what you truly deserve: the highest quality representation, with impeccable integrity.

To FNMs throughout The Bahamas, rest assured that your Free National Movement Party is ready, energized, and committed more than ever to fight, for and on your behalf.

As Oscar Wilde once wrote, sometimes, “what seems to us as bitter trials, are often blessings in disguise.”

May God continue to bless our beloved Bahamas.