Minister of Labour warned the Prime Minister over Customs and Immigration issues

Workers fired left right and centre and not a word from Minister of Labour Dion Foulkes

Government refuses to help Custom and Immigration Workers

Nassau, Bahamas — BP is once again following the delusional outgoing Prime Minister who cannot carry out his work these days.

Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham has also poorly managed the Bahamian economy but is so drunk with power he will wait until the Bahamian people fire him on May 7th.

After refusing to sit and speak with the Customs and Immigration workers of the country, the PM went to the press and lied about what the demands were for the workers who sit under his ministry.

Now get this, his comments could not be further from the truth.

Bahamas Press today present documents for public record, showing a communication between the Minister of Labour, Dion Foulkes and the Prime Minister on the matters arising between the Customs and Immigration department and the Government.

The issues are varied and clear. How the PM didn’t see this is beyond us. BP shares the document between the Minister and the PM dated January 31, 2012 below .