Why did the Tribune have to lie about Rodney Moncur? Or is his lying ways contagious these days?

Nassau, Bahamas — Bahamas Press is monitoring the lie now being thrown about by the wutless dutty terlet paper the Tribune in a defense which claims 4000 plus Bahamians have joined a “Free Rodney Moncur” page on facbook.
Now this is amazing and Bahamas Press decided to investigate.
Moncur has been charged with “committing a grossly indecent act”, a crime which has forced Bahamians to ask: “what do you do with a justice of the peace who continues to lie and break the law?”
First Moncur claimed the victim was a relative of his, and yet later we found out from the family – RODNEY MONCUR WAS NO RELATIVE TO THE SUSPECT WHO DIED WHILE IN POLICE CUSTODY! – WHAT A TRICK FROM A DAMN LIAR!
We later found out that it was the man’s family who ran to the police and exposed the scheme by Moncur and told how he refused to take down the indecent photos of their deceased relatives.
The Tribune daily wrote: “There has been a huge response on social media to his arrest, with a Facebook group called Free Rodney Moncur gaining more than 4,000 members and Rodney Moncur’s name trending on Twitter. A number of people raised concerns over freedom of speech, and also raised the question of the crime scene photographs in the Brown-Cox case.”
But nothing could be further from the truth. BP has learnt the page has been around Facebook for sometime and activity on its backdoor information proves the page has only has a name change to “FREE RODNEY MONCUR” just last week.
Further information confirming the lie was disclosed when the Jackass who been to Jail in the United States, Apostle C Allen Johnson, wrote: “In light of Rodney Moncur being free, I think we should start a discussion of a revised name for this group, keeping with the theme of unbiased and unadulterated freedom of expression and accountability in policing and governance as a whole.
“The original context of the group’s purpose and name can be listed as part of its description and purpose. Any suggestions?”

The comment adds that the same operatives of the FNM, MARGO DOC SEYMOUR and other, have concocted the fraud and circulated their bile through the Tribune.
But since they [The Tribune, Seymour, Sharon Turner and C. Allen ‘JAILBIRD JACKASS’ Johnson] want BP to get arrested they should know this – Rodney ‘Da Hammer’ Moncur is headed to prison! Stop dat if ya bad.
Who will be the first to jump the Paradise Island Bridge? Will it be Rodney Moncur or C. Allen ‘JAILBIRD JACKASS’ Johnson?
Moncur could soon be placed on suicide watch as his days to return to BIG DICK WILLY FROM OKRA HILL at HMP is on a countdown!