North Eleuthera dump set on fire? Arsonists are said to have been in the area…


What does this have to do with Louis Bacon’s Save the Bays you may ask?

North Eleuthera dump fire started just hours before WeMarch event.

Eleuthera, Bahamas – BREAKING News coming out of North Eleuthera where it is being reported that arsonists may have set on fire the dumpsite in that part of the country.

The reports come after weeks of smoke at the New Providence Landfill in the capital, which have affected businesses and residents in the surrounding areas.

The North Eleuthera dump has never been on fire, and is a very secure site. We are hearing paid arsonists are still in the area with a torch.

Interestingly, this report comes just hours before the Louis Bacon’s Save da Bays WeMarch event where paid protestors along with expats marched in complaint for clean air. The march is then to conclude with an endorsement of the FNM. Who they think they are fooling?

Around 100 persons showed up in black with push carrying kids. It was pitiful! Fred Smith was there, the same one who claimed people in the Bahamas are trying to kill him.

We wonder what he ga do when Louis Bacon discovers that all the wrong legal advise given to destabilise the Bahamas was unsuccessful? He, we believe, will need more than international help by then!

Why yall think Save Da Bays dem are so ‘Vicked’ doe?

We report yinner decide!

Louis Bacon’s top man to destabilise the Bahamas – Fred Smith on the WEMARCH event today.