Not the dude in the Dickies clothes – GB man captured for murder


Teen escapes death after shooting at police

Jonathon Cooper arraigned on murder charges.

FREEPORT, GB – Now you have to give it to the boys in the Dickie’s clothes – they just know how to evade police, however, after eluding authorities for days, wanted suspect Jonathan Cooper was arraigned on in the Freeport magistrate’s court this week in the murder Garden Villas man.

Cooper who looks 47 is only 27. He appeared in Court 3 before Deputy Chief Magistrate Helen Jones.

He is accused of intentionally causing the death of 44-year-old Paul Ricardo Ferguson at Freeport on April 18. Ferguson was stabbed to death at his residence on Weddell Avenue. An all points bulletin was issued for Cooper, who was arrested on Monday.

Attorney Simeon Brown represented Cooper. He was not required to enter a plea to the murder charge. Cooper was denied bail. He was remanded to Her Majesty’s Prison (HMP) until August 27 when a preliminary inquiry will be held.


A 17-year-old juvenile male of Blueberry Hill Road is in hospital after being shot by police.

The incident reportedly occurred around 1:00 am on Thursday 6th.

Preliminary reports indicate that officers of the Central Detective Unit (CDU) were on routine patrol on Cordeaux Avenue and Key West Street when they observed a gray

2000 Nissan Sentra occupied by two (2) men acting suspiciously.

The officers attempted to stop the vehicle however; the passenger produced a firearm and fired gunshots at the officers, which resulted in him being shot and his weapon confiscated by police. We hope he does not get bail.

The juvenile was taken to hospital where he is detained in stable condition.

During the incident, the driver an 18-year-old male of Sugar Hill Road was unharmed and taken into custody. Active police investigations continue.