Obama names Nicole A. Avant named US Ambassador to the Bahamas


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WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate Nicole A. Avant as the next US ambassador to the Bahamas.

Making the announcement along with a list of other ambassadors President Obama said, “President Obama said, “I am grateful that these individuals will help represent our nation abroad during this important time for our country and the world. They bring a depth of experience and I look forward to working with them in the months and years to come.”

Ms. Avant serves as Vice President of Interior Music and Avant Garde Music Publishing. A business woman, philanthropist and activist, she has been recognized for her tireless efforts to mobilize the younger generation towards greater charitable and political involvement. She has worked as an academic counselor at The Neighborhood Academic Initiative, a USC mentorship program for high school students. Ms. Avant serves as a board member for the Bogart Pediatric Cancer Research Program, the Center for American Progress and Best Buddies, and was named one of the American Cancer Society Next Generation Leaders in 2007.



  1. It’s all great that a woman was selected but give us, (the Bahamian public) a bit more respect and consideration. What are Ms. Avant’s qualifications? I do not need to know how much money she raised for Obama, what boards (paid positions) she is on or what movies she had parts in . What is her educational background and what makes her the best choice to be sent to our country as the ambassador for the United States? There are too many more qualified persons who deserved the position and I personally can name a few. I am speaking of persons who supported Obama all the way back to 2002 when he was considering running for senate. Those persons supported him then and all the way to the presidency. We cannot praise his choice until we have more information on her education, training and personal background. Take a look at the qualifications of all the other persons who received ambassador positions around the world. The Bahamas seems to have gotten the least qualified pick of the litter. Just curious — but what do they really think of us as a nation?

  2. hi,this site was doing good befor you visited us and it would be doing better when you leave our site.Good luck finding a new site.

  3. Do you really think I care this country is finished as you have eluded to in numerous articles with a mindset like that you are no better off than the watless media persons you bring down daily with these kind of comments directed to to Miss Ambassador I just expected better from you. Sorry for holding you in such high esteem. I thought for one moment that you all were the ray of hope this country needs and your shoulders were big enough to take constructive criticism. Sorry I misjudged you all.

  4. Welcome hi if you want to stay on this site you would have to have respect for persons like Tristan, Altec and I.We think with our top head and not with our bottom head on this site that is why we are here daily.

  5. It is a change that the Bahamas could sure use and teach you men that its what in your head that qualifies you for a position listen to the previous post cant you fools see thats what wrong with our country you only think with your other heads. Learn from this Ambasador and stop making the mistakes of the past and be professional and have some class.

  6. @Altec
    Ha HA boy Altec if she is not single she shouldn’t have any problem finding a Bahamian Boy friend or aBahamian Husband.It,s a pitty I can’t help her at this time.

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