Opposition Leader Philip Brave Davis addresses the Government’s heartless disconnection exercise against residents…


From The Office Of The Leader Of The Opposition On Water And Sewerage Mass Disconnections

PM HUBERT MINNIS AND Opposition Leader Philip Brave Davis Q.C.

I have learned today of the mass disconnections of people who owe monies to the Water and Sewerage Corporation.

Let me make it clear, we must all pay our bills.  However, it is incumbent upon the Government to ensure that where there is the supply of an essential commodity like water, that we do not cause more harm than good by disconnecting the water supply.

The Corporation should make every attempt to work with customers, particularly families with children to ensure that the water supply stays on.

Here is the issue with the FNM:  dismissals in the thousands from the public service since they came to office; disconnections from the power supply;  people being expelled from their homes by the Bahamas Mortgage Corporation;  police out en masse fining people for minor infractions at elevated levels and now mass disconnections of water,

It simply comes off as a cruel and inhumane.
